Scutellaria subsp. var. | Helmet flower, Skullcap | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Scutellaria is a genus of about 300 species of plants commonly known as skullcaps.
The genus is widespread in temperate regions and on tropical mountains.
Most are annual or perennial herbaceous plants from 5 cm to 1 m tall, but a few are subshrubs; some are aquatic. They have four-angled stems and opposite leaves. The flowers have upper and lower lips. The genus is most easily recognized by the typical shield on the calyx that has also prompted its common name.
Its flowers may also be dried and smoked as a legal alternative to marijuana, as it induces feelings of euphoria and well-being.
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Scutellaria (Latin, dish; referring to the form of the persistent calyx). Labiatae. Skullcap. Annual or perennial herbs, or decumbent or diffuse rarely tall and erect subshrubs or very rarely shrubs, suitable for outdoor planting. Leaves opposite, frequently dentate, sometimes pinnatifid or entire; the floral lvs. similar or changed into bracts: fls. in opposite 2-fld. floral whorls or in some species a few at the top, sometimes disposed in all or the lower axils, sometimes in terminal racemes or spikes, blue, violet, scarlet, or yellow; calyx campanulate, 2-lipped; corolla-tube long-exserted, limb 2-lipped; stamens 4, ascending, all fertile, the anterior pair longer: nutlets subglobose or depressed.—About 140 species scattered over the world, mostly in the temperate regions and the mountains, a few in Trop. Afr., not known from S. Afr. S. aurantiaca, Hort., is offered in the trade.—S. pulchella, Hort., not Bunge, belongs to Section III and is closely related to S. indica var. japonica, but the plant has more slender twigs, somewhat smaller lvs. which are short stiff-hairy on the upper surface and a looser raceme with somewhat darker blue fls. Hab.(?). Gt. 6:296.— S. splendens, Link, Klotsch & Otto, belongs to Section II and has broad ovate, obtuse or scarcely acuminate, crenate lvs., with the base cordate and both surfaces hirsute: raceme elongated: fls. sparse; corolla scarlet. Mex. B.M. 4290 (as S. cordifolia). CH
Pests and diseases
Selected species:
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Scutellaria. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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