Salsola {{{latin_name}}}
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Salsola (Latin, salsus, salty; the plants grow in salty places). Chenopodiaceae. Weedy annual and perennial branching herbaceous plants of some 50 species of very wide distribution, mostly on seashores and in saline soils, of no horticultural interest. Lvs. narrow, usually awl-shaped or long-pointed, commonly fleshy: fls. very small, sessile in the axils, perfect, provided with 2 bractlets; calyx 5-parted, the segms. winged on the back; petals 0; stamens usually 5; styles 2: fr. a flattened utricle, with a horizontal seed. Of interest because it includes the Russian thistle, S. Kali, Linn., var. tenuifolia, Mey. (S. pestifer, Nels.), now a widespread weed along railway rights of way and very abundant in the prairie and plains regions; of relatively recent intro. from Eurasia. With good tillage and short rotations it is not to be feared; when young or growing, it may have some value as forage. It is a bushy annual, and when broken off in autumn forms one of the tumble-weeds, and is carried long distances before the wind.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963