Banksia subsp. var. | Banksia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Banksia is a genus of around 170 species in the plant family Proteaceae. These Australian wildflowers and popular garden plants are easily recognised by their characteristic flower spikes and fruiting "cones" and heads. When it comes to size, banksias range from prostrate woody shrubs to trees up to 30 metres tall. They are generally found in a wide variety of landscapes; sclerophyll forest, (occasionally) rainforest, shrubland, and some more arid landscapes, though not in Australia's deserts. They are of economic importance to Australia's nursery and cut flower industries.
Banksias grow as trees or woody shrubs. Trees of the largest species, B. integrifolia (Coast Banksia) and B. seminuda (River Banksia), often grow over 15 metres tall, some even grow to standing 30 metres tall.[1] Banksia species that grow as shrubs are usually erect, but there are several species that are prostrate, with branches that grow on or below the soil.
The leaves of Banksia vary greatly between species. Sizes vary from the narrow, 1–1½ centimetre long leaves of B. ericifolia (Heath-leaved Banksia), to the very large leaves of B. grandis (Bull Banksia), which may be up to 45 centimetres long. The leaves of most species have serrated edges, but a few, such as B. integrifolia, do not. Leaves are usually arranged along the branches in irregular spirals, but in some species they are crowded together in whorls. Many species have differing juvenile and adult leaves (e.g. Banksia integrifolia has large serrated juvenile leaves).
The character most commonly associated with Banksia is the flower spike, an elongated inflorescence consisting of a woody axis covered in tightly-packed pairs of flowers attached at right angles. A single flower spike generally contains hundreds or even thousands of flowers; the most recorded is around 6000 on inflorescences of B. grandis. Not all Banksia have an elongate flower spike, however: the members of the small Isostylis complex have long been recognised as Banksias in which the flower spike has been reduced to a head; and recently the large genus Dryandra has been found to have arisen from within the ranks of Banksia, and sunk into it as B. ser. Dryandra. Thus fewer than half of the currently accepted Banksia taxa possess the elongated flower spike long considered characteristic of the genus.
Banksia flowers are usually a shade of yellow, but orange, red, pink and even violet flowers also occur. The colour of the flowers is determined by the colour of the perianth parts and often the style. The style is much longer than the perianth, and is initially trapped by the upper perianth parts. These are gradually released over a period of days, either from top to bottom or from bottom to top. When the styles and perianth parts are different colours, the visual effect is of a colour change sweeping along the spike. This can be most spectacular in B. prionotes (Acorn Banksia) and related species, as the white inflorescence in bud becomes a brilliant orange. In most cases, the individual flowers are tall, thin saccate (sack-shaped) in shape.
Occasionally, multiple flower spikes can form. This is most often seen in Banksia marginata and B. ericifolia[2][3] (pictured right).
As the flower spikes or heads age, the flower parts dry up and may turn shades of orange, tan or dark brown colour, before fading to grey over a period of years. In some species, old flower parts are lost, revealing the axis; in others, the old flower parts may persist for many years, giving the fruiting structure a hairy appearance. Old flower spikes are commonly referred to as "cones", although they are not: cones only occur in conifers and cycads.
Despite the large number of flowers per inflorescence, only a few of them ever develop fruit, and in some species a flower spike will set no fruit at all. The fruit of Banksia is a woody follicle embedded in the axis of the inflorescence. These consist of two horizontal valves that tightly enclose the seeds. The follicle opens to release the seed by splitting along the suture, and in some species each valve splits too. In some species the follicles open as soon as the seed is mature, but in most species most follicles open only after stimulated to do so by bushfire. Each follicle usually contains one or two small seeds, each with a wedge-shaped papery wing that causes it to spin as it falls to the ground.
Banksia plants are naturally adapted to the presence of regular bushfires in the Australian landscape. About half of Banksia species are killed by bushfire, but these regenerate quickly from seed, as fire also stimulates the opening of seed-bearing follicles and the germination of seed in the ground. The remaining species usually survive bushfire, either because they have very thick bark that protects the trunk from fire, or because they have lignotubers from which they can resprout after fire. In Western Australia, banksias of the first group are known as 'seeders' and the second group as 'sprouters'.
Most of species are shrubs, only few of them can be found as trees and they are very popular because of their size, the tallest species are: B. integrifolia having its subspecies B. integrifolia subsp. monticola notable for reaching the biggest banksias and it is the most frost tolerant in this genus, B. seminuda, B. littoralis, B. serrata; species that can grow as small trees or big shrubs: B. grandis, B. prionotes, B. marginata, B. coccinea, B. speciosa and B. menziesii. Due to their size these species are popularly planted in parks, gardens and streets, the remaining species in this genus are only shrubs.
Banksias are popular garden plants in Australia because of their large, showy flower heads, and because the large amounts of nectar they produce attracts birds and small mammals. Popular garden species include B. spinulosa, B. ericifolia, B. aemula (Wallum Banksia ), B. serrata (Saw Banksia), Banksia media (Southern Plains Banksia) and the cultivar Banksia 'Giant Candles'. Banksia species are primarily propagated by seed in the home garden as cuttings can be difficult to strike. However commercial nurserymen extensively utilize the latter method (indeed, cultivars by nature must be vegetatively propagated by cuttings or grafting).
Over time, dwarf cultivars and prostrate species are becoming more popular as urban gardens grow ever smaller. These include miniature forms under 50 cm high of B. spinulosa and B. media, as well as prostrate species such as B. petiolaris and B. blechnifolia .
Banksias possibly require more TLC (i.e. maintenance) than other Australian natives, though are fairly hardy if the right conditions are provided (sunny aspect and well drained sandy soil). They may need extra water during dry spells until established, which can take up to two years. If fertilised, only slow-release, low-phosphorus fertilizer should be used, as the proteoid roots may be damaged by high nutrient levels in the soil. All respond well to some form of pruning.
Within the Australian horticultural community there is an active subculture of Banksia enthusiasts who seek out interesting flower variants, breed and propagate cultivars, exchange materials and undertake research into cultivation problems and challenges. The main forum for exchange of information within this group is ASGAP's Banksia Study Group.
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Heat cone in hot oven (to emulate a fire) and then extract seed to plant.
Pests and diseases
A threat to Banksia is the water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi, commonly known as "dieback". Dieback attacks the roots of plants, destroying the structure of the root tissues, "rotting" the root, and preventing the plant from absorbing water and nutrients. Banksia's proteoid roots, which help it to survive in low-nutrient soils, make it highly susceptible to this disease.
Dieback is notoriously difficult to treat, although there has been some success with phosphite and phosphorous acid, which are currently used to inoculate wild B. brownii populations. However this is not without potential problems as it alters the soil composition by adding phosphorus. Some evidence suggests that phosphorous acid may inhibit proteoid root formation.[4]
Because dieback thrives in moist soil conditions, it can be a severe problem for Banksias that are watered, such as in the cut flower industry and urban gardens.
This is an alphabetically ordered list of Banksia species, as of 2007. This list includes all species recognised as current by the Australian Plant Name Index, and also contains all species transferred to Banksia from Dryandra by Austin Mast and Kevin Thiele in 2007.
- B. acanthopoda
- B. aculeata - Prickly Banksia
- B. acuminata
- B. aemula - Wallum Banksia
- B. alliacea
- B. anatona
- B. aquilonia - Northern Coastal Banksia, Jingana (Jirrbal, Girramay)
- B. arborea
- B. archaeocarpa (fossil)
- B. arctotidis
- B. armata
- B. ashbyi - Ashby's Banksia, Orange Banksia
- B. attenuata - Slender Banksia, Candlestick Banksia, Coast Banksia
- B. audax
- B. aurantia
- B. baueri - Woolly Banksia, Woolly-spiked Banksia, Possum Banksia
- B. baxteri - Baxter's Banksia, Bird's Nest Banksia
- B. bella
- B. benthamiana - Bentham's Banksia
- B. bipinnatifida
- B. biterax
- B. blechnifolia
- B. borealis
- B. brownii - Brown's Banksia, Feather-leaved Banksia
- B. brunnea
- B. burdettii - Burdett's Banksia
- B. caleyi - Cayley's Banksia, Red Lantern Banksia
- B. calophylla
- B. candolleana - Propeller Banksia
- B. canei - Mountain Banksia
- B. carlinoides
- B. catoglypta
- B. chamaephyton - Fishbone Banksia
- B. cirsioides
- B. coccinea - Scarlet Banksia, Waratah Banksia, Albany Banksia
- B. columnaris
- B. comosa
- B. concinna
- B. conferta - Glasshouse Banksia
- B. corvijuga
- B. croajingolensis
- B. cuneata - Matchstick Banksia, Quairading Banksia
- B. cynaroides
- B. cypholoba
- B. dallanneyi
- B. densa
- B. dentata - Tropical Banksia, Rilidili (Wubuy)
- B. drummondii
- B. dryandroides - Dryandra-leaved Banksia
- B. echinata
- B. elderiana - Swordfish Banksia, Palm Banksia
- B. elegans - Elegant Banksia
- B. epica
- B. epimicta
- B. ericifolia - Heath-leaved Banksia
- B. erythrocephala
- B. falcata
- B. fasciculata
- B. fililoba
- B. foliolata
- B. foliosissima
- B. formosa
- B. fraseri
- B. fuscobractea
- B. gardneri - Prostrate Banksia
- B. Giant Candles
- B. glaucifolia
- B. goodii - Good's Banksia
- B. grandis - Mangite, Bull Banksia, Giant Banksia
- B. grossa - Coarse Banksia
- B. heliantha
- B. hewardiana
- B. hirta
- B. hookeriana - Hooker's Banksia
- B. horrida
- B. idiogenes
- B. ilicifolia - Holly-leaved Banksia
- B. incana - Hoary Banksia
- B. insulanemorecincta
- B. integrifolia - Coast Banksia, White Honeysuckle
- B. ionthocarpa
- B. kingii (fossil)
- B. kippistiana
- B. laevigata - Tennis Ball Banksia
- B. lanata - Coomallo Banksia
- B. laricina - Rose Banksia, Rose-fruited Banksia
- B. lemanniana - Lemann's Banksia, Yellow Lantern Banksia
- B. lepidorhiza
- B. leptophylla - Slender Leaved Banksia
- B. lindleyana - Porcupine Banksia
- B. littoralis - Western Swamp Banksia, Swamp Banksia,
- B. longicarpa (fossil)
- B. lullfitzii
- B. marginata - Silver Banksia, Warrock
- B. media - Southern Plains Banksia, Golden Stalk Banksia
- B. meganotia
- B. meisneri - Meisner's Banksia
- B. menziesii - Menzies' Banksia, Firewood Banksia
- B. micrantha
- B. mimica
- B. montana
- B. mucronulata
- B. nana
- B. nivea
- B. nobilis
- B. novae-zelandiae (fossil)
- B. nutans - Nodding Banksia
- B. oblongifolia - Rusty Banksia, Dwarf Banksia
- B. obovata
- B. obtusa
- B. occidentalis - Red Swamp Banksia, Water Bush Banksia
- B. octotriginta
- B. oligantha - Wagin Banksia
- B. oreophila - Western Mountain Banksia
- B. ornata - Desert Banksia
- B. pallida
- B. paludosa - Swamp Banksia, Marsh Banksia
- B. pellaeifolia
- B. petiolaris
- B. pilostylis
- B. plagiocarpa - Dallachy's Banksia, Blue Banksia, Hinchinbrook Banksia
- B. platycarpa
- B. plumosa
- B. polycephala
- B. porrecta
- B. praemorsa - Cut-leaf Banksia
- B. prionophylla
- B. prionotes - Acorn Banksia, Orange Banksia
- B. prolata
- B. proteoides
- B. pseudoplumosa
- B. pteridifolia
- B. pulchella - Teasel Banksia, Dainty Banksia
- B. purdieana
- B. quercifolia - Oak-leaved Banksia
- B. repens - Creeping Banksia
- B. robur - Eastern Swamp Banksia, Swamp Banksia, Broad-leaved Banksia
- B. rosserae
- B. rufa
- B. rufistylis
- B. saxicola - Grampians Banksia, Rock Banksia
- B. scabrella - Burma Road Banksia
- B. sceptrum - Sceptre Banksia
- B. sclerophylla
- B. seminuda - River Banksia
- B. seneciifolia
- B. serra
- B. serrata - Saw Banksia, Red Honeysuckle, Old man Banksia
- B. serratuloides
- B. sessilis
- B. shanklandiorum
- B. shuttleworthiana
- B. solandri - Stirling Range Banksia, Solander's Banksia
- B. speciosa - Showy Banksia
- B. sphaerocarpa - Fox Banksia, Round-fruited Banksia
- B. spinulosa - Hairpin Banksia
- B. splendida
- B. squarrosa
- B. stenoprion
- B. strahanensis (fossil)
- B. strictifolia
- B. stuposa
- B. subpinnatifida
- B. subulata
- B. telmatiaea - Swamp Fox Banksia
- B. tenuis
- B. tortifolia
- B. tricuspis - Lesueur Banksia, Pine Banksia
- B. tridentata
- B. trifontinalis
- B. undata
- B. verticillata - Granite Banksia, Albany Banksia
- B. vestita
- B. victoriae - Woolly Orange Banksia
- B. violacea - Violet Banksia
- B. viscida
- B. wonganensis
- B. xylothemelia
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Banksia prionotes inflorescence
A prostrate species, Banksia blechnifolia with unusual twin buds
B. ericifolia "White Candles"
Banksia integrifolia var. integrifolia
Banksia prionotes seedlings
Banksia attenuata resprouting after fire
A dwarf form of B. media (Southern Plains Banksia)
B. baxteri (Birds Nest Banksia)
Woodworked Banksia grandis cone
- Banksia man.png
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Banksia. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Banksia QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)
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