Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Urena (from Uren, the Malabar name). Malvaceae. Herbs or subshrubs of little horticultural interest: plants more or less covered with rigid stellate hairs: lvs. angled or lobed: fls. clustered; calyx 5-cleft; petals 5, often tomentose at the back, free above, connate below; staminal tube truncate or minutely toothed, anthers nearly sessile; ovary 5-celled, cells 1-ovuled: ripe carpels covered with hooked bristles or smooth, indehiscent.—About 8 or 9 species, natives of the tropics and subtropics. U. lobata, Linn. Herbaceous, more or less hairy: lvs. rounded, angled, not divided beyond the middle, cordate, 5-7-lobed, lobes acute or obtuse, about 1-2 x 2-3 in.: fls. pink: carpels densely pubescent, spiny. Tropics of both hemispheres. Very variable. U. stellipila, Lem. Shrubby with a few elongated, fulvous-pilose branches: lvs. distant, rather short-petioled, cuneately ovate-lanceolate, base somewhat cordate, stellate, hairy, coarsely crenulate-dentate: fls. rather large, 1 1/2 in. across, white, in axillary clusters; calyx-segms. lanceolate, acute; petals spatulate. Brazil. J.F. 3:281. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963