Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Uraria (Greek oura, tail, referring to bracts). Leguminosae. Subshrubby perennials, adapted to the warmhouse; 1 species has been tried in S. Fla. Lvs. pinnately 3- rarely 5-7-foliate or the lower rarely all 1-foliate; lfts. usually large, stipellate; stipules free, acuminate: fls. purplish or yellowish, arranged in terminal hirsute racemes, which are sometimes elongated, sometimes dense and spike-like; calyx-lobes subulate acuminate, 2 upper teeth short, 3 lower usually elongated; standard broad; wings adhering to the obtuse keel; stamens diadelphous; ovary sessile or stipitate, few-ovuled: pod of 2-6 small, turgid, 1-seeded indehiscent joints, often placed face to face.—About 17 species, Trop. Asia, Afr., and Austral. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963