Tropaeolum peltophorum

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Tropaeolum peltophorum, Benth. (T. Lobbianum, Veitch). Annual, climbing, hairy all over except the under parts of the lvs. and the petals: lvs. very long-stalked, peltate, nearly orbicular, undulate and with points on the margin: fls. large, long-spurred, orange-red, the 2 upper petals large, rotundate, broad and entire, the 3 lower ones small and clawed and coarsely toothed and also fringed on the claws. Colombia. B.M. 4097. F.S. 2:67. P.M. 11:271. Gn. M. 9:16. Var. fimbriatum, Hubb. (T. Lobbianum var. fimbriatum, Hort.), has all the petals toothed or fringed. R.H. 1856:101. Seldom seen in its pure state. Var. hederifolium, Hubb. (T. Lobbianum var. hederifolium, Hort.), has variegated lvs. which resemble those of Hedera helix in shape. Var. miniatum, Hubb. (T. Lobbianum var. miniatum, Hort.), is said by some to be a hybrid with bright vermilion fls. Var. Regina, Hubb. (T. Lobbianum var. Regina, Hort.), is a form with bright salmon-red or salmon-orange fls. There is a horticultural strain of more compact growth known as T. Lobbianum compactum; this strain occurs in numerous colors. Horticultural color-forms listed under the name T. Lobbianum are atropurpureum, dark purple; aureum, clear golden yellow; fulgens, dark scarlet; Chaixianum, yellow, washed with red. CH

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