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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Tripterygium (Greek, three and wing, in reference to the 3-winged fr.). Celastraceae. Three shrubs from E. Asia with deciduous alternate rather large lvs. and small white fls. in terminal panicles: fls. polygamous; calyx 5-lobed; petals 5; stamens 5, inserted at the margin of a cupular disk; ovary superior, 3-angled, incompletely 3-celled, with short style: fr. a 3-winged, 1-seeded nutlet. The following species has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum and is a handsome shrub conspicuous chiefly on account of its large bright green foliage contrasting well with the reddish brown sts. terminated in July and Aug. by conspicuous panicles of small whitish, fragrant fls. It apparently grows well in any soil. Prop. is by seeds and probably by cuttings. T. Regelii, Sprague & Takeda (T. Wilfordii, Regel, not Hook. f.). Glabrous shrub, to 2 ft., with angled warty reddish brown branches: lvs. petioled, broadly elliptic, acuminate, broadly cuneate at the base, serrate, 3-6 1/2 in. long.: fls. greenish white, 1/3 in. across, in terminal panicles leafy at the base, and to 8 in. long: fr. little over 1/2 in. long, with 3 broad wings. July, Aug. Manchuria, Korea, Japan. Gt. 18:612. Not yet in the American trade. CH

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