Thalictrum aquilegifolium

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Linn. Feathered Columbine. Fig. 3789. Sts. large, hollow, 1-3 ft. high, glaucous: lvs. once or twice 3-5-parted; lfts. stalked or the lateral ones nearly sessile, slightly lobed or obtusely toothed, smooth, suborbicular: fls. in a corymbose panicle, dioecious; sepals white; stamens purple or white: fr. 3-angled, winged at the angles. May-July. Eu., N. Asia. B.M. 1818; 2025 (as var. formosum). Gn. 47, p. 357; 50, p. 117. A.F. 16:1234. J.H. III. 50:203. Gn. W. 23:676 (var. atropurpureum). G.L. 23:249 (var. atropurpureum). G. 32:623 (var. album). G.C. III.47:211 (var. album).—A good garden plant and frequently planted; fls. in early summer. The old name T. Cornuti, Linn., may be a synonym of this, and if so it is the older name, being published on a preceding page, but T. Cornuti was described as an American plant, while T. aquilegifolium is not. As the description and old figure of T. Cornuti do not agree with any American plant, the name may well be dropped. Plants advertised as T. Cornuti are probably T. aquilegifolium or T. polygamum. CH

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