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Property:Min zone
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 13 February 2010 17:29:26  +
Allows valueThis property is a special property in this wiki. 1  + , 1.5  + , 2  + , 2.5  + , 3  + , 3.5  + , 4  + , 4.5  + , 5  + , 5.5  + , 6  + , 6.5  + , 7  + , 7.5  + , 8  + , 8.5  + , 9  + , 9.5  + , 10  + , 10.5  + , 11  + , 11.5  + , 12  +
Has typeThis property is a special property in this wiki. Number  +
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Arctostaphylos uva ursi + , Aurinia saxatilis + , Broccoli + , Cistus purpureus + , Cistus skanbergii + , Coreopsis + , Cornus Nuttallii + , Erigeron karvinskianus + , Eriogonum fasciculatum + , Eschscholzia californica + , Frangula californica subsp. californica + , Freesia andersoniae + , Freesia caryophyllacea + , Fremontodendron californicum + , Galvezia speciosa + , Heteromeles arbutifolia + , Heuchera maxima + , Hibiscus acetosella + , Hymenosporum flavum + , Iris douglasiana + Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki.


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