subsp. var. | Tick Seed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Coreopsis (Greek, signifying bug-like, from the fruit). Including Calliopsis. Compositae. Tickseed. Annual or perennial herbs, flowering in summer or autumn, nearly all natives of eastern North America, some of them popular as flower-garden subjects. Leaves opposite or rarely alternate: heads pedunculate and radiate; the broad involucre with bracts of 2 distinct series, the outer narrower or shorter and more herbaceous, the inner broad triangular-ovate or oblong, thin, yellowish green or purplish, and striate: receptacle chaffy; rays very showy, yellow, particolored or rarely rose, neutral; disk-fls. yellow, dark or brown; pappus of 2 weak bristles or scales, or a low crown or none: achenes often winged.—The genus differs from Bidens only in the reduced or obsolete, not stiff-awned pappus, and lf .-segms. not serrate. Many of the species are in the trade under the name Callippsis. Other genera with this peculiar involucre are Hidalgoa, Dahlia, Thelesperma, Cosmos, and Leptosyne. All the kinds are of easiest cult. The perennials are hardy bonier plants. The annuals are raised in any garden soil, and bloom freely with little care. They are all showy plants, of 50-70 species.
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- C. aristosa, Michx., C. aurea, Ait., and C. trichosperma, Michx., are now placed under Bidens (which see). CH
- C. atropurpurea, Hort. =Thelesperma sp. CH
- C. auriculata, Linn. (C. diversifolia. DC.). Perennial: low, stoloniferoua, hirsute: lvs. petioled, short, oval, mostly entire: heads large, very long-peduncled: probably not in the trade. S. U. S. CH
- C. billa, Hutchins. Undershrub about 3 ft. high. British E. Afr. — A very handsome species. CH
- C. Grantii, Oliv. A compact bushy plant about 2 ft. high. FU. in the winter. Trop. Afr.CH
- C. Leavenworthii, Torr. & Gray. Annual : lf. -divisions linear-spatulate: rays cuneate, lobed, yellow: awns 2, slender: achene winged. Fla. CH
- C. nudata. Nutt. Perennial, rush-like: lvs. mostly basal, long, filiform: rays rose-colored: wing of achene pectinate. S. U. S. CH
- C. radiata, Hort. Plant very dwarf: fl.-heads with ray-fioreta rolled up. Of garden origin. K.M.Wiegand.CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Coreopsis. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Coreopsis QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)