Sedum reflexum
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Sedum reflexum, Linn. (S. collinum, Willd.). Perennial, glabrous: sts. trailing; fl.-sts. erect, 8-10 in. high: lvs. in 6 or 7 rows, crowded on the barren shoots into a conical mass, but not forming so marked a rosette as in typical S. rupestre, 1/2-3/4 in. long, linear-subulate, reflexed, terete, gibbous at base: fls. 4-8-merous, yellow, 3/4 in. across, in a decurved, many-fld. umbellate cyme which is many-branched, with a fl. in each fork; sepals oblong-lanceolate; petals linear; anthers yellow. Eu. Also escaped in N. E. N. Amer. Var. albescens, Mast. (S. albescens, Haw. S. glaucum, Smith), is glaucous: lvs. rarely in rosettes: fls. 1/2 in. across, 6-merous. Eu. and N. Afr. Var. cristatum, Mast. (S. monstrosum, Hort. S. robustum, Hort.), has the sts. fasciated so as to form a crest like a cockscomb. Var. virescens, Mast. (S. virescens, Willd.), is similar to var. albescens, but has pale sulfur-yellow fls.—This species and its varieties are treated by some authorities as a part of S. rupestre. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Sedum reflexum. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Sedum reflexum QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)