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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Schlimmia (named in honor of M. Schlim). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic herbs, with oblong somewhat spindle-shaped 1-lvd. pseudobulbs, suitable for the warmhouse with cattleyas and the like: lvs. leathery, contracted to the petiole: scapes erect or recurved from between the pseudobulbs, simple, few-sheathed: fls. rather large, fleshy, ivory-white, few in a lax raceme, short-pedicelled; sepals, the dorsal free, narrow, concave-keeled, the lateral very broad, connate with the foot of the column, forming a helmet-like sac; petals narrower than the dorsal sepal, spreading at their tip; labellum variously lobed, the apex reclining on the foot of the column; pollinia 2.—Three species from the Colombian Andes. S. jasminodora, Planch. & Lind. Pseudobulbs long and slender: lvs. oval, long-petioled: scape about 1 ft. high bearing 3 secund fls.; fls. white and very fragrant; dorsal sepal linear erect; petals reflexed; labellum fleshy, shorter than the column. Colombia. S. trifida, Reichb. f. Pseudobulbs elongate-ovate, clustered: lvs. oblong, acute: scape lateral, drooping, deep purple, bearing a 1-sided raceme of about 4 fls.: fls. fragrant; dorsal sepal turned downward, lateral waxy white with a few purple spots inside; petals linear, acute, bent outward; labellum trifid at the apex, white, marked with rich orange. Colombia. G.C. II. 7:141. CH

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