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 Schizophragma subsp. var.  
Schizophragma hydrangeoides branch.png
Habit: vine-climber
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Features: deciduous
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Hydrangeaceae > Schizophragma var. ,

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Schizophragma is a genus of four species of lianas in the Hydrangeaceae, native to Asia from the Himalaya east to Taiwan and Japan. One species, S. hydrangeoides, is known as Climbing Hydrangea Vine.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Schizophragma (Greek, schizein, to cleave, and phragma, wall; the inner layer of the wall of the valves is cleft into fascicled fibers). Saxifragaceae. Ornamental vines grown for their handsome bright green foliage and their showy clusters of white flowers.

Shrubs climbing by aerial rootlets: lvs. opposite, long-petioled, dentate or entire: fls. in loose cymes; sepals and petals 4-5; stamens 10; style 1; ovary 4-5-loculed; marginal sterile fls. consist only of 1 large white sepal, terminating the branchlets of the infl.: fr. a small, 10-ribbed caps.—One species in Japan and another in China, allied to Hydrangea and Decumaria.

These are handsome woody vines with rather large bright green foliage and loose terminal cymes of small white flowers with large and showy sterile ones at the margin. They are well adapted for covering walls and trunks of trees and cling firmly by means of aerial rootlets. The Japanese species is hardy as far north as New York City, while the Chinese one is tenderer. They thrive best in rich, moderately moist soil and partial shade, but also do well in full sun if the soil is not too dry. Propagation is by seeds or greenwood cuttings under glass; also by layers.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



Pests and diseases


Four species, including:
Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Schizophragma integrifolium



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