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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Scaphyglottis (Greek, boat and tongue, referring to the hollowed labellum). Orchidaceae. Branched epiphytic orchids grown in the warmhouse: new branches borne annually at the apex of the old branch, solitary or paired, sheathed at the base, 2-lvd. at apex, finally fleshy thickened, forming pseudobulbs which are linear or narrowly fusiform: lvs. narrow, sometimes linear, coriaceous: fls. in pairs or few in fascicles between the lvs. at the base of the innovation, small; sepals erect and rather spreading, lateral broader than the dorsal; petals similar to the sepals; labellum articulate or continuous with the foot of the column, not divided or obscurely lobed; column rather long, 2-auricled at the apex; pollinia 4.—About 15 species, Mex. to Brazil. S. Cogniauxiana, Wildem. A small species with narrow lvs. 2-4 in. long: fls. greenish yellow; sepals acute, petals subacute. Brazil.—S. stellata, Lodd., differs from S. violacea in having larger fls., with more spreading segms. and lateral lobes of the lip as large as the middle one. Guiana.—S. violacea, Lindl. Sts. terete, striated, articulated: lvs. 2-3 in. long, linear or linear-lanceolate: fls.violet, minute; lateral sepals twice as broad as the dorsal; lip white, fleshy, channeled. Guiana. B.M. 4071. B.R. 1901. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Scaphyglottis. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Scaphyglottis QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)