Saxifraga rotundifolia

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Saxifraga rotundifolia, Linn. Sts. 8-12 in. high, erect from a somewhat thickened rhizome, leafy and paniculate from the middle or above: lvs. rather thick, more or less hairy on both surfaces; basal and lower on petioles 3-4 times longer than the blades, reniform or orbicular, base cordate, unequally and coarsely crenate or dentate; cauline almost sessile, base obtuse or cuneate, with more or less incise-dentate lobes: infl. a branched panicle with long, slender glandular-hirsute peduncle and pedicels; fls. white, spotted with red or purple; calyx-tube very short, lobes triangular oblong, acute; petals oblong-lanceolate. May, June. Eu. and Asia. B.M. 424.—A very satisfactory species for moist and shady parts of the rockwork. Var. glandulosa, Griseb. (S. glandulosa, Hort. S. lasiophylla, Schott. S. angulosa, Schott. S. rotundifolia var. angulosa, Hort.). Sts. tall, glandular-pubescent: basal lvs. obtusely crenate; the cauline lvs. incise-dentate: the panicle branches spread out and many-fld. CH

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