Saxifraga cuneifolia

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Saxifraga cuneifolia, Linn., sometimes misspelled cunaeifolia. Laxly cespitose, 4-6 in. high, with slender subligneous caudicles: sts. slender, erect, short-glandular and naked: lvs. very glabrous, rather thick, the upper surface dark green and shiny, the lower paler and dull or violet, obovate or subrotund, very obtuse, cuneately attenuate to a long flat ciliate petiole, margin slightly cartilaginously repand-crenate: infl. a loose panicle with 1-3-fld. branches: fls. white; calyx-lobes oblong-triangular, very obtuse; petals oblong, 3-nerved with a yellow spot at the base (occasionally also spotted with purplish red dots). June, July. Mountains of Eu.— There is a form of this species which is grown as S. Bucklandii, Hort., which only differs in having 2 or 3 yellow spots on each petal.

Var. subintegra, Ser. (S. apennina, Bert. S. cuneifolia var. appenina, Koch. S. capillipes, Reichb.). Caudicles long, scantily lvd., forming a rosette at their tip: lvs. smaller, retuse, few-dentate or entire, petiole equaling the blade: sts. few-fld., simple paniculate. Switzerland, Tyrol, Apennines, and Maritime Alps. CH

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