Ribes hirtellum
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Ribes hirtellum. Michx. (R. saxosum, Hook. R. gracile, Jancz., not Michx. R. oxyacanthoides of many authors, not Linn. Grossularia hirtella, Spach). Fig. 3405. Shrub, to 4 ft., with slender branches, usually unarmed, sometimes with subulate small spines, only at the base of vigorous shoots bristly: lvs. suborbicular, usually cuneate, incisely 3-5-lobed, with dentate, acute lobes, glabrous or sparingly pubescent, 1-2 in. broad; petioles often with long hairs: fls. 1-3, greenish; bracts much shorter than pedicels; ovary glabrous, rarely with stalked glands; calyx-tube narrow-campanulate; sepals oblong, often purplish, glabrous; stamens as long as sepals, petals half as long; style pubescent: fr. globose, smooth or rarely with stalked glands, purple or black, edible. Newfoundland to Pa. and W. Va., west to Man. and S. D. B.M. 6892 (as R. oxyacanthoides). B.B. (ed.2) 2:241.—This is the most important of the edible American gooseberries and there are in cult. several hybrids with R. Grossularia, designated as R. rusticum, Jancz., to which such varieties as Downing, Houghton, and Smith are thought to belong, while Pale Red appears to be of pure R. hirtellum parentage.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Ribes hirtellum. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Ribes hirtellum QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)