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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Rhoeo (name unexplained). Commelinaceae. One species, from Mex. and the W. Indies, R. discolor, Hance, known also as Tradescantia discolor, L'Her., T. spathacea, Swartz, and Ephemerum bicolor, Moench B.M. 1192. G.W. 15, p. 230. From Tradescantia the genus is distinguished by having 1 ovule (rather than 2) in each locule of the ovary. R. discolor is a short- stemmed erect-growing long-lvd. plant, not unlike a broad-lvd. small pandanus in habit. Fls. white, small, and many in a boat-shaped spathe-like structure arising from the axil of the lf. and which is sessile or nearly so; sepals 3, free, more or less petal-like; petals 3, soon withering; stamens 6. Var. vittata, Hook. (Trades- cantia discolor var. vittata, Miq. T. discolor var. varie- gata, Hook. T. variegata, Hort.), is the common form in cult. The lvs. are 8-12 in. long, dark purple beneath and longitudinally striped above with pale yellow. A striking plant for the warmhouse, or for the open in the S. B.M. 5079. F.S. 11:1169, 1170. Cult, as for warm- house tradescantias L. H. B. Rhopala: Roupala.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963