Prunus serrulata var. lannesiana
{{{name}}} Prunus serrulata var. lannesiana
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Prunus lannesiana, Wilson (Cerasus Lannesiana, Carr. P. serrulata Lannesiana, Koehne. P. Pseudo-Cerasus var.hortensis, Maxim, in part). Differs from P. serrulata in its pink fragrant fls. (white in some of the formae), teeth of lvs. long-aristate (rather than short-aristate), bark pale gray rather than dark chestnut-brown: lvs. unfolding green or slightly reddish, pale green beneath: calyx-tube or cupula campanulate, glabrous. Japan. Forma albida, Wilson (P. serrulata ff. albida and speciosa, Koehne P. mutabilis, Miyoshi, in part), has single white fls. This forma is considered by Wilson to be the parent of the cult, kind taken as the type of P. Lannesiana and "also of the greater number of the double-fld. Japanese cherries;" thought to be indigenous on island of Oshima. It makes a tree to 30 ft. or more tall, with thick spreading or somewhat ascending branches, with a pale gray bark which is smooth even on old trees: fls. pinkish in the bud, white when open, glabrous throughout, either with the lvs. or preceding them, the peduncle usually 1/2-l in. long but sometimes wanting: fr. ovoid, black, and shining. Some of the cult, kinds of P. Lannesiana in Japan, many of which have recently been intro. into this country, are ranged by Wilson under the following formae: donarium (P. donarium, Sieb.), fls. white and double, fragrant; Fudanzakura, a precocious form that blooms at almost any season, the single fls. white or nearly so, of little horticultural value; Gozanomanioi, fls. white, single, very fragrant; Habutai, fls. single, white, and fragrant, of minor value; Minakami, fls. very fragrant, white, single or nearly so; Ohshibayama, of minor value, the fls. white flushed pink, single or semi-double; subfusca (Sumizome), one of the handsomest; with very large fragrant single or nearly single white fls. flushed pink; cataracta (Takinioi), fls. very fragrant, single, white: Wasinowo, fls. single, fragrant, white; Amayadori, excellent, botanically much like P. serrulata var. sachalinensis, with double fls. clustered at ends of branchlets, pale pink passing to white; Hata- zakura, fls. semi-double, white tinged pink, the inner petals reduced and rudimentary, said by Wilson to be "a very beautiful cherry, with fls. suggestive of apple blossoms horaisan fls white semi double a bleasing; Hosokawa, "a pleasing form" with fls single or semi-double, pure white, and fragrant; affinis (Jonioi)," a lovely plant with fls. of remarkable whiteness," very fragrant, single or semi-double; Kokesimidsu, of minor horticultural interest, the fls. single or semi-double, white suffused pale pink; Kunrinjishirotai, fls. white, fragrant, semi- double; Miyako, one of the best of the late-flowering forms, with fragrant double fls. white flushed pink; Senriko, beautiful form, with very large fragrant semi- double fls. pale pink passing to white; Sirotae. "the finest of all the double-fld. white cherries," the fls. large and fragrant and pure white; Sobanzakura, fls. double, white; Surugadai-odora, late-flowering, the fls. nearly white, semi-double, fragrant, pendulous on long slender pedicels; Ariake, "a very striking form," with very large and fragrant single or semi-double pale pink fls.; excelsa (Banriko), of minor horticultural value, with single fls. "pale washy pink:" campanulata (Gijozakura), pink, single or semi-double; Kirigaya, fls. fragrant, single, pale pink; Kongosan, of minor interest, with single pink fls.; Mazakura, "the cherry used by the Japanese for a stock on which to graft all the garden forms of P. Lannesiana and P. serrulata," with few white or pinkish fls.; Ranzan, "a very pleasing form," with single pink fls. on long slender pedicels; Temari, fls. congested near end of branchlets, pale pink, single and semi-double; erecta (Amanogawa), "a beautiful form and very distinct in its habit of growth," branches fastigiate, the fls. fragrant, semi-double, pale pink; Benitoranowo, "a good form," with rose-pink semi- double fls. clustered near ends of branchlets; Moutan (Botanzakura), "one of the very best forms," bearing very large, pale pink, fragrant semi-double fls.; Gosiozakura, fls. semi-double, pale pink; amabilis (Higurashi), "a good form," with slightly fragrant, double and semi- double, pale pink fls.; Isezakura, semi-double, fragrant, pink; Mikurumakaisi, double, pale rose; Ochichima, fls. large, double, pale pink; Ogon, "a very beautiful form, commonly cult, in the temple grounds at Kyoto," with fls. pale pink and semi-double; Ojochin, "one of the best forms," the very large fls. semi-double and pale pink; versicolor (Yayeakebono), fls. very large, fragrant, semi-double, soft pink, very beautiful; nobilis (Yedozakura), resembles P. serrulata, var. sachalinensis, "a fine cherry," with pink double clustered fls. of good size; Gioiko, semi-double fls., pale yellow with greenish stripes, free-flowering; grandiflora, "a very striking cherry," with profusion of large semi-double or double greenish yellow fls. (Gn. 76, p. 229, as P. serrulata flore luleo plena. Gt. 52:1513 as P.serrulata grandiflora). CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
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- w:Prunus serrulata var. lannesiana. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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