Prunus japonica

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Prunus japonica,Thunb. (P.nana, Hort.,inpart. P.sinensis, Hort., of Amer. gardens). Fig. 3233. Bushy plant, rarely over 5 ft. high: lvs. ovate, ovate-orbicular, or otherwise on the broad order (rarely as narrow as ovate-lanceolate) acuminate or even caudate, not at all inclined to be lobed, coarsely double-serrate or crenate, glabrous beneath or short- hairy on midrib and nerves: fls. in 2's and 3's, rose-colored or blush, stalked (the stalks lengthening), appearing with the lvs.: fr. globular or short- oblong, 1/2in. diam., smooth and shining, wine-red. Cult, from Japan, but probably native to China. To what extent this species is cult, in this country is yet to be determined. It runs into several well-marked forms. Var. eujaponica, Koehne. Branches erect and virgate: lvs. short- and broad-acuminate, the primary teeth short and obtuse but not truly triangular; blade beneath glabrous at maturity or lightly hairy on rib and nerves, rounded at base: fls. simple (not double). Var. gracillima, Koehne. Branches wide-spreading, the branchlets very slender and somewhat deflexed: lvs long- and narrow-caudate, mostly cordate at base, the primary teeth longer and more acute, and exactly triangular: fls. simple (not double), white or rose. Var. Thunbergii, Koehne. Mature lvs. glabrous beneath: lvs. long- and narrow-acuminate, the teeth truly triangular: fls. pale rose, on pedicels about 1/6in. long; petals 1/5in. long, the stamens shorter; style sparsely pilose at base. Var. Engleri, Koehne. Differs from var. Thunbergii in the mature lvs. being short- hairy and the midrib and nerves beneath and pedicels twice or more as long (becoming 3/4in. long in fr.): petals 1/3in. or more long, pale flesh-color; stamens 1/4-1/3in. long; style glabrous or hairy at base. Var. Kerii, Koehne. Fls. semi-double, the petals numerous; ovaries usually 2: lvs. glabrous beneath. B.R. 27 and R.H. 1852: 301 (both as P.japonica). B.M. 2176 (as Amygdalus pumila).


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