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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Protium (probably the Javan name). Burseraceae. Trees, with balsam sap: lvs. toward the ends of the branches, alternate, 3-foliate or uneven pinnate; lfts. few-paired, rather large, petiolulate, entire or dentate: panicles long-peduncled, fasciculate, branched: fls. small, slender-pedicelled; calyx small, cup-shaped, 4-6-cleft or -dentate; petals 4-6, linear-oblong; disk urn-shaped; stamens 8-12; ovary sessile, 2-4-celled: drupe fleshy, globose.—About 50 species, mostly natives of Trop. S. Amer., some species also in India, Malaya, Mauritius, Madagascar, W. Indies, and Mex. P. serratum, Engl. (Bursera serrata, Wall.). Sometimes planted in tropics and subtropics for ornament, and wood said to be used for furniture: evergreen: lfts. about 7 or more, opposite, narrow-ovate, base acuminate, pubescent or nearly glabrous, serrulate or entire: panicles axillary, lax, much branched, shorter than the lvs.: fls. very small, hermaphrodite, pubescent externally; calyx 5-toothed; petals 5; stamens 10: drupe globose, 1-3-celled. India. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963