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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Polycycnis (Greek, many and swan, probably referring to the lip and column which together bear some resemblance to a swan). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic herbs with very short vaginate 1-lvd. sts.. scarcely thickened to a fleshy pseudobulb: If. broad, plicateveined, contracted to the petiole: scapes erect from the rhizome, few-sheathed; fls. rather large, pedicelled; sepals subequal, free, spreading, narrow; petals similar to the sepals or at the base narrower and substipitate, labellum affixed to the base of the column, spreading, sometimes 2-auricled at the base, column elongated, slender: fr. a caps. About 7 species in Trop. Amer. P. Charlesworthii, Hort. Infl. long and arching, bearing about 50 fls. which are 1 in. across; sepals broad, yellowish, closely mottled with pale red-brown, the upper abruptly turned back; petals linear, twisted, yellow, slightly marked with red at the base: lip long, narrow, brownish with whitish hairs. British Guiana. Intro, abroad and offered for sale there. The following species may have been cult.: P. barbota, Reichb. f. (Cycnoches barbatum, Lindl.); P. gratiosa, Endres & Reichb. f.; P. lepida, Lind. & Reichb. f.; P. muscifera, Reichb. f. (Cycnoches musciferum, Lindl. & Paxt.) ; and P. vittala, Reichb. f. (Houlletia vittata, Lindl.). Warmhouse plants.

F. Tracy Hubbard. CH

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