Polemonium humile

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Polemonium humile, Willd. (P. Rlchardsonii, Graham). Low, slender plant from somewhat creeping rootstocks, about 9 in. high: leaflets 15-21, 2-6 lines long: flowers bell- shaped, blue or purplish. July, August. Arctic regions. It has the odor of ripened grapes. Brand combines this plant with P. lanatum, Pallas, of the Arctic Zone and the Altai region, making this form P. lanatum var. humile, Brand, with a wide range in the high N. P. Richardsonii, referred here, was raised from seeds collected at Great Bear Lake. The plant cult, as P. Richardsonii grows about 18 inches high, and bears profusely of bright blue flowers (varying to white in var. album, Hort.); probably the best of the genus.

Var. pulchellum, Gray (P. pulchellum, Bunge. P. lanalum var. pulchellum, Brand). Differs in naving smaller flowers ranging from violet and lavender to nearly white and in the viscid pubescence, which is minute. Arctic coast and southward according to Gray, but restricted by Brand to Asia (Altai region). CH

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