Phalaenopsis Schilleriana

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Phalaenopsis Schilleriana, Reichb. f. Fig. 2889. Lvs. 6-18 in. long, oblong, dark green and mottled with gray above, purple below: panicle drooping, flat, as much as 3 ft. long and nearly as broad, bearing often over 100 fls. each 2 1/2-3 in. across; dorsal sepals obovate, acute, the lateral ones ovate, rich rose-lilac; petals large, rhomboid, colored like the sepals; labellum colored like the rest of the fl. or paler and often spotted with reddish brown and having a yellow callus; lateral lobes rounded- oblong, with 2 quadrangular calli between them, middle lobe oval, ending in 2 divergent horns. Jan.-March. Philippines. B.M. 5530. F.S. 15:1559. I.H. 10:348; 35:56; 43, p. 154. S.H. 2, p. 47. Gn. 3, p. 183; 22:118; 33, p. 615; 35, p. 363; 38, p. 157; 48, p. 484. G.C. II. 12:301; 111.3:529; 17:367; 37:152. F.M. 1877:257. R.H. 1886:396. A.G. 14:65. G.F. 4:390. A.F. 11: 1081. C.L.A.6:164. F.W. 1876:321. G.31:19. G.M. 48:151; 52:145. J.H. III. 42:451; 44:551; 52:133. CH

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