Parrotia persica
Parrotia persica {{{latin_name}}}
Persian Ironwood
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Parrotia (after F. W. Parrot, a German naturalist and traveler, afterward professor of medicine at Dorpat; 1792-1841). Hamamelidàceae. Ornamental woody plante grown chiefly for their handsome foliage and also for their early appearing flowers.CH Deciduous shrubs or small trees: leaves alternate, short- petioled, crenate, with large caducous stipules: flowers small, in dense heads surrounded by an involucre of several bracts; petals wanting; calyx 5-7-lobed, embracing the pubescent ovary about half; stamens 5-15; styles 2: capsule 2-celled, with 2 beaks, dehiscent between the beaks, with 1 oblong shining seed in each cell.— Two species in Persia and the Himalayas.CH The parrotias are spreading shrubs or small trees with medium-sized orbicular to obovate-oblong leaves, small flowers in dense heads appearing before the leaves, and with fruit similar to those of the witch-hazel. The Persian species is hardy as far north as Massachusetts. Its chief beauty consists in the brilliant autumnal tints of the foliage, which changes to golden yellow, orange, and scarlet and remains a long time on the branches. The early appearing flowers with the purple pendulous stamens, are also attractive. The Himalayan species is more tender and its foliage turns only to pale yellow, but the flowers are somewhat more showy from their rather large white bracts. The parrotias grow in any well-drained soil and like a sheltered position. CH The wood is very close-grained, hard and strong, and therefore P. pérsica bears the name, "ironwood." The tough pliable branches of the Himalayan species are extensively used for basket-work and are also twisted into thick ropes used for the construction of twig-bridges over the great rivers of its native country. Propagation is by seeds and layers and also by greenwood cuttings under glass.CH Parrotia persica, C.A.Mey. Shrub or small tree, to 15 ft., with spreading branches: leaves oval to obovate-oblong, obtuse, coarsely and crenately dentate above the middle, dark green above, pubescent beneath when young, 3-4 in. long: bracts of flower-heads covered with dark brown tomen tum; stamens 5-7. pendulous, with linear-oblong, purple anthers: fruit with recurved beaks. N. Persia. CH
Only 1 species in genus.
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this tree propagated in iranian forest by seed and sucker naturely.
Pests and diseases
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Several cultivars have been selected for garden plantingwp:
- 'Horizontalis': semi-weeping, wide-spreading horizontal branching pattern.
- 'Pendula' (Kew Form): Compact, weeping, quite graceful
- 'Select': Young leaves have purple margins, otherwise same as species
- 'Vanessa': Upright, columnar habit
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Parrotia persica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Parrotia persica QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)