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 Ostrya subsp. var.  
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Ostrya (ancient name). Betulaceae. Hop Hornbeam. Trees grown for their handsome foliage.

Deciduous: winter-buds conspicuous, pointed: Lvs. alternate, doubly serrate, plaited on the straight veins, with oblong or lanceolate stipules: fls. monoecious, in catkins; the staminate catkins slender, pendulous, with 3-14 stamens in the axil of each bract; filaments forked; pistillate upright, slender, with 2 fls. in the axil of each bract; the 2-ovuled ovary crowned by 2 slender stigmas and inclosed in a tubular involucre: fr. a nutlet inclosed by the bladder-like involucre; the inflated involucres loosely imbricated to form a strobile, resembling that of the hop.—Four closely related species in N. Amer., Eu., and E. Asia. From Carpinus distinguished by the bladder-like involucre.

The hop hornbeams are small or medium-sized trees with slender spreading branches forming a round or open head, with handsome bright green foliage, and rather inconspicuous flowers appearing with or before the leaves, followed by the attractive light green strobiles contrasting with the darker foliage. They are hardy and slow-growing, well adapted for planting in dry and exposed localities. The heavy and tough, very close-grained wood is used chiefly for fence-posts, handles of tools and other small articles. Propagation is by seed sown soon after maturity or stratified, otherwise it will usually not germinate until the second year; rarer kinds may be grafted on a common species or on the hornbeam.

O. carpinifolia, Scop. (O. vulgaris, Willd. O. italica, Winkl. O. virginiana var. carpinifolia, Schneid.). Tree, to 30 or occasionally 50 ft.: Lvs. short-acuminate, pubescent on both Bides while young: nutlet ovoid, pubescent at the apex. Eu. R.H. 1905, pp. 188. 189. H.W. 2:18, p. 35. G.C. III. 8:274. Gn. 24, p. 231. G. 7:689.—O. japonica, Sarg. (O. virginiana var. japonica, Schneid.). Tree, to 60 ft.: Iva. pubescent beneath: strobiles snorter; nutlets glabrous at the apex. Japan. G.F. 6:384. S.I.F 1:25.—O, Knowltonii. Coville. Tree, to 30 ft.: Iva. ovate or elliptic, obtuse or acute, 1-2 in. long: strobiles 1-1½ in. long; nutlets minutely pubescent. Ariz. G.F.7:115. S.S. 9:446.

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