Ophrys subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Ophrys (Greek, eyebrow). Orchidaceae. Terrestrial orchids. Having the habit of Goodyera, bearing a basal rosette of Lvs. with an erect fl.-st. terminating in a raceme or spike of fls.: sepals similar, spreading; petals smaller, often pubescent; labellum generally convex with incurved margins, not spurred, entire or 3-lobed; column short.—About 30 species, mostly in the North Temperate Zone in Eu., Asia and N. Afr., the greater number being found in the Medit. region. Cult, as for habenaria. Aceras anthropophora. Br. Advertised as Ophrys anthropophora, Linn. Man Orchis. St. about 9 in. high, the spike being 2-4 in. long: Lvs. ovate to oblong or lanceolate: fls. dull yellowish green; sepals and petals converging over the column: labellum much longer than the sepals; aide lobes long, narrow, and the middle lobe split into 2 narrow lobes.' Early summer. Pastures. S. Eu. Ophrys differs from Aceras in having a very convex labellum. Both genera are distinguished from Orchis by the absence of a spur.—O. etrusca, Hort., and O. Grampinii, Hort., are hybrids between O. aranifera and O. tenthredinifera. The name Ophrys is used by some botanists to replace Listera (p. 1891); in that case, the synonymy of the listeras becomes: O. convallarioides, Wight (Listera convallarioides, Torr.).—O. cordata, Linn. (Listera cordata, R. Br.).—O. Smallii, House (Listera Smallii, Wiegand). Similar to O. convallarioides: Lvs. ovate-reniform, borne at or below the middle of the St.: raceme loose, few-fld., lip ¼ in. long, not ciliate, broadly ovate, cleft at the apex; ovary glabrous. Mountains of Pa. to N. C.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963