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 Odontoglossum subsp. var.  
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Odontoglossum (Greek, tooth-tongue; in allusion to the crest on the labellum). Orchidaceae. Orchids which on account of their handsome flowers are great favorites of cultivators. O. crispum is one of the finest of all orchids.

Plants epiphytic, with short rhizomes and 2-lvd. pseudobulbs, often with sheathing Lvs. at the base: fls. in few- to many-fld. racemes or panicles arising from the base of the pseudobulb; sepals and petals spreading, free, or the lateral sepals rarely somewhat united at the base; base of the labellum ascending parallel to the column and sometimes adnate to the latter; lateral lobes small, often erect; middle lobe large, spreading, variously shaped; column clavate, narrowed at the base, longer than in Oncidium.—About 100 species, natives of the higher regions of the Andes from Mex. and Guatemala to Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.

This genus is closely related to Oncidium and Miltonia, some of the species of the latter being generally cultivated as odontoglossums. These two genera are easily distinguished from Odontoglossum by the labellum, which expands directly from the base of the column. There is perhaps no genus of orchids in which the species are more variable and more closely related than in Odontoglossum. Numerous varieties connect the species by intermediate links, and the occurrence of many natural hybrids makes the limitation of species in this genus almost impossible. However much this may add to the perplexiy of the botanist, it gives the genus an additional horticultural value and interest resulting in the production of numerous garden hybrids and in the selection of many varieties, one species, O. crispum, having over a hundred named kinds.

Cultivation of odontoglossums.

Odontoglossums follow the high western mountain ranges from southern Mexico to southern Peru, and usually grow at great altitudes. With few exceptions, they are found in extremely moist situations where the annual rainfall is excessive and the temperature more or less even and cool throughout the year.

The extreme heat of our summer interferes somewhat with the culture of odontoglossums in America, especially those of the O. crispum section, and it is necessary to use every precaution during that season to insure success.

A lean-to or half-span roof structure of northern exposure, protected by a brick or stone wall on the south side, and with ample means of ventilation, is best suited to Odontoglossum culture. Moreover, it should be provided with rolling shades elevated on framework 18 or 20 inches above the glass, to afford abundance of light, free access of air and requisite shade, with the additional assistance of keeping down the temperature in summer. The interior is best fitted with solid beds, if possible, but benches of stone flags or wood covered with ashes or gravel an inch or two deep will answer very well. These, with the floors, should be hosed down two or three tunes daily, to keep the house as cool and as moist as possible.

Ventilation is highly essential at all times, especially in dull or wet weather. When the atmosphere is overcharged with moisture, the quantity must be governed by outside conditions. Top ventilation is most satisfactory, because it allows the heated air to escape, gives less direct draft on the plants, and does not have the drying effect produced by side currents.

The temperature during winter should never rise above 65° F, even with mild sun heat, and may fall to 48° or 50° at night, or even lower, without injury; during summer it must be kept as low as the outside temperature will admit. Fire heat should be dispensed with as early as possible in spring. Odontoglossums do well under pot culture, excepting a few, such as O. Londescoraughianum and O. brevifolium, with long creeping rhizomes; O. citrosmum, which has pendulous flower-scapes, and some of the smaller-growing species, such as the O. Rossii section, which are more easily cared for under basket culture.

Repotting should be attended to in October and November, never during the summer months. Chopped fibrous peat, live sphagnum and clean decayed leaves in equal quantity, well mixed together, afford a very satisfactory compost. About one-half of the pot space should be devoted to drainage of charcoal or broken potsherds. The plants should be firmly potted, leaving the surface slightly convex, thus elevating the base of the plant a little above the rim of the pot when finished. The O. crispum section, which includes O. Coradinei, O. gloriosum, O. cirrhosum, 0. luteo-purpureum, O.nobile, and kindred species, requires an abundance of water at all seasons; in fact, the compost should never dry out, and judicious light overhead syringing once a day is beneficial in bright weather, but on very warm days it should be applied in the evening, at the same time allowing free ventilation to ensure good atmospheric action. Weak liquid cow-manure during the flowering period is also of assistance.

Species of the O. grande section do not require so much water at the roots as the O. crispum type; the compost should be allowed to dry out frequently. They are also benefited by a little sun during winter. O. citrosmum is an exception to the genus as regards temperature, and should be grown 10° warmer. It does very well in the cattleya department, enjoys a good supply of water at the roots at all seasons, and may be easily induced to flower freely by giving it a sunny location during winter. Very few of the species can be satisfactorily propagated by division; the trade depends principally on fresh importation, and they come readily from seeds. (See the article on Orchids, beginning page 2380, for discussing of seed-growing methods of orchids in general.)

Among the worst enemies of odontoglossums are slugs and the small shell snails. They destroy the tender flower-scapes, often attacking them even in the leaf- sheath. A piece of cotton wrapped about the base of the pseudobulb will afford a means of protection, and many may be caught by distributing bits of apple, potato, or saucers containing dry bran freely among the plants. Look them over in the morning or evening with a lantern. Robert M. Grey.

Cool odontoglossums.

There has been a large measure of success attained in the culture of these Andean plants in several instances and near the seashore, or during a cool summer season. The plants do well under special conditions, such as a structure facing north, with ample shade by using roller-blinds a foot or more above the glass roof, and by using a spray of water on very hot days either under the benches or in the path, ejected with force to create a spray and cause rapid evaporation. Perforated pipes have been used, but these soon clog up and are ineffectual. It is best to turn off the spray at night as the outside air will be cooler. It is best in winter to bring the plants to a lighter house where they can get all the sun in the dull months, as most of the growth is made during the winter and needs to be well matured and strong to carry the plants through the flowering period of early summer months. In March, there are very bright days when a little shade is necessary, and early in April removal should be made to summer quarters in the coolhouse proper. One very hot summer has been known to undo the upbuilding of several preceding cool ones. Odontoglossums are freely raised from seeds by the hybridist in Europe, but have never been raised in the American collections. Their seeds germinate the readiest of any orchids, coming up like grass in a few weeks after sowing, but invariably go down again during the heat of "dog days" hi summer. The hybrids imported seem to have more vigor, especially those that have O. nobile as a parent. One of the most wonderful phases of the hybridists' work is seen in the great variety produced, the proving up of the origin of many supposed species of Reichenbach and others, the reproduction of fine types from seeds true to themselves in a measure, but usually with an admixture of the poorest present, showing the very complex origin of our most beautiful garden orchids as they were found first. The partial extinction of these odontoglossums by the march of cultivation of coffee and other valuable crops in the Andes has no longer any terror to the cultivator, equally good forms now being raised in gardens, and sometimes flowered in months rather than years. There is still the element of uncertainty as to what will appear, as with the native imported pieces. Even the once rare native natural hybrids are now produced, but from the finest types as parents, and sold now at modest prices. It is too much to expect that the cultivation of O. crispum and other coolhouse species will become general until there is certainty of control of temperatures in summer as in winter. Good results have been gained by giving a weak solution of ammonium phosphate, two ounces potassium nitrate, three ounces to three gallons of water, using one ounce of this stock solution to each gallon used for the plants. This is known as the "Cookson formula," advocated by a cultivator who noticed that odontoglossums flourished in the vicinity of smoky cities, and it was traced to the deposit of soot on the glass roofs carried by rain-water into the cisterns to be used for the plants. Rain-water is seldom conserved here for watering orchids, but the addition of this slight quantity of fertilizer seems to be beneficial and to take the place of the rain-water.

O. Adrianae Cooksoniae (O. crispum X O. Hunnewellianum). Sepals and petals broad, cream-white, evenly brown-blotched; lip finely fringed and crimped, white, with fine brown spots and yellow crest. G. C. III. 31:389.—O. amabile (O. crispum x O. spectabile). O. 1913, p. 102.—O. amabile var. Fowlerianum (O. crispum punctatum violaceum x O. crispo-Harryanum). Fls. 4 in. across, the sepals and petals a bright purplish mauve, the tips pale violet, the margins silvery white, the sepals with 2 or 3 irregular white lines, the petals with a few white spots; lip white in front, and red around the yellow crest, marked with rose. G.C. III. 44:4.—O. ardentissimum (O. crispum X O. nobile). Fls. most like those of O. crispum in site and form, white, blotched claret-purple, the crest yellow with reddish markings. G.C. III. 32:50.—O. aspidorhinum, Lehm. Fls. 9-15, the sepals and petals oblong, contracted into long points, yellow, blotched with red-brown: lip subpanduriform, clawed, white, spotted with lilac- crimson. Colombia. G. 31:643.—O. Bingelianum (O. crispum x O. Harryanum). G.M. 51:69.—O. blandum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals pale yellowish white, spotted with crimson-brown, cuneate- lanceolate, acuminate; lip ovate, acuminate, crisped. Colombia.— O. Bradshawiae (O. Andersonianum XO. Harryanum). Fls. 4½ in. across, resembling more those of O. Harryanum, yellow, tinged with rose on back of sepals, marked on the face below with numerous red- brown blotches, more or less confluent in groups. G.C. III. 33:82. G.M. 46:87. Gn. 63, p. 184.—-O. caeruleum (O. armainvillurense X O. crispum). Fls. resembling in shape those of O. ardentissimum, the greater part of the segms. marked with confluent blotches of violet-purple. G.M. 50:413.—O. Claytii --(?).—O. Crawshayanum (O. Hallii X O. Harryanum). Fls. intermediate in shape between the parents, but more like O. Hallii in color. G.C. III. 30:77.—O. crispo-Harryanum (O. crispum x O. Harryanum). More like the second parent in shape, the sepals and petals light yellow, smaller basal markings of red-brown. G.C. III. 45:133. G.M. 52:144.— O. Edgertonianum-perhaps O. Egertonii.—O. Fowlerianum (O. cirrhosum x O. Rossii). Sepals and petals narrow, thickly spotted deep purple, bright rose-purple on margins and tips, the lip rose-purple, the callus yellow. G.M. 49:181. Gn. 69, p. Y13.—O. Groganiae (O. Edwardi X O. Uroskinneri). Fls. Rose-purple, with the crest yellow. G.C. III. 49:72.—O. harvengiense (O. crispum X O. triumphans). Sepals and petals pale yellow, spotted with red- brown, the latter with a paler central strip, the lip brown-spotted, the center yellow, the margins white. C.O. 4.—O. Harwoodii (O. Wiganianum x O. maculatum auriferum). Fls. yellow, spotted dark purple. G.C. III. 49:98. G.M. 54:93.—O. Lambeauianum exquistum (O. crispum Madame Folcke x O. Rolfeae ardentissimum). Segms. white, rose-suffused on petals, blotched red-brown. G.C. III. 38:434. C.O. 12. O.K. 14:57.—O. Lawrenceanum (O. Rolfeae O. triumphans). Fls. bright yellow, heavily brown-barred, the white lip purple-blotched. Gn. 67, p. 207.—O. Leeanum, Reichb. f. Fls. yellow, brown-blotched. Colombia. B.M. 8M2. J.H. III. 43:193. —O. Lucasianum (O.cristatellum X O. Hallii). Sepals and petals chocolate, margined and tipped yellow, lip cream-white, brown- spotted.—O. Ossuttonii (O. nobile X O. spectabile). Sepals and petals cream-yellow, spotted and blotched brown, the sepals flushed rose. G.W. 13, p. 212. G.M. 49:419.—O.Phalaenopsis.-Miltonia Phalaenopsis.—O. ramulosum, Lindl. Fls. bright yellow, with a large basal blotch of brown on dorsal sepal and petals, the lateral sepals brown-spotted, the lip with a brown band in front of the orange crest, Colombia. B.M. 8031.—O. Roezlii album-Miltonia Roezlii alba.—O. Rolfeae (O. Harryanum x O. nobile). Fls. ivory-white, with numerous small purple spots, those of the lip basal, those on the petals in a central zone, the sepals slightly purple-stained at tip. Gt. 58:1580.-rO. rozefieldienae(O. Harryanum X O. Lambeauianum). Fls. white, slightly tinged pink, blotched with various shades of reddish claret. G.C. III. 49:163.—O. Smithii (O. Rossii x O. spectabile). Sepals and petals light green, margined with violet-purple, in upper half blotched black-brown, the front lobe of lip violet- purple, the disk and crest yellow. G.C. III. 38:427; 45:212. G.M. 48:805.—O. Thompsonianum (O. crispum x O. Edwardi). Fls. rich claret-purple, the margins and tips rosy, the crest deep yellow.—O. venustulum (O. armainvillurense x O. spectabile). Fls. white tinged lilac and heavily purple-blotched. G.C. III. 38:2.—O. vexillarium -Miltonia vexillaria.—O. Vuylstekei (O. spectabile x O. Vuylstekei). Fls. rosy claret, with slight silvery white lines between the confluent blotches. G.C. III. 38:379. G.M. 48:743.—O. Vuylstekei (O. Durisonae x O. triumphans). Sepals and petals deep red- brown, the apex and margins light yellow, a narrow irregular transverse line about the middle, the lip whitish with few irregular brown spots. G.M. 47:59.—O. waltonense (O. crispum X O. Kegeljani). Fls. resemble in shape more those of O. crispum, soft canary-yellow, the lip pandurate with a bright red-brown blotch in front of crest. G.C. 111.33:51. G.M. 46:73. O.R. 11:49.—O. Warneri-Oncidium Warneri.—O. Wattianum Crawshayanum (O. Harryanum X O. Lindleyanum). Sepals and petals yellow, closely marked with brown, the lip white with a large violet-purple blotch and some smaller ones. G.C. III. 28:286.—O. Wallianum princeps (O. Harryanum X O. Lindleyanum). Sepals and petals pale yellow, heavily blotched with chocolate-purple, the white lip with violet basal markings. G.C. III. 41:135.—O. Weltonii-Miltonia Warscewiczii.—O. Wendlandianum Crawshayanum (supposedly a natural hybrid). Sepals purple, yellow-margined, with a few basal chocolate blotches, the petals tinged claret, profusely spotted with brownish purple. G.C. III. 27:275. G.M. 43:521.—O. Wiganianum (O. harvengtense X O. Rolfeae). Sepals and petals bright canary-yellow, the sepals bearing few large, the petals numerous small red-brown spots, the lip white at base, primrose in front, with a few purple spots at the middle. G.C. III. 37:274.—O. Wilckeanum Rothschildianum (O. crispum X O. luteo-purpureum). Sepals yellow, blotched and barred with brown, the petals light yellow, marked with brown in center, the lip fringed, orange-yellow at base, the front lobe yellow with a large purple blotch. G.C. III. 32: suppl. Dec. 6.—O. Wyonianum (hybrid). Fls. white, the middle area of segms. blotched with red- purple. G. C. III. 45:211.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Fossil range: {{{fossil_range}}}
Odontoglossum (Rosioglossum) Rawdon Jester (a hybrid)
Odontoglossum (Rosioglossum) Rawdon Jester (a hybrid)
Plant Info
Common name(s): {{{common_names}}}
Growth habit: {{{growth_habit}}}
Height: {{{high}}}
Width: {{{wide}}}
Lifespan: {{{lifespan}}}
Exposure: {{{exposure}}}
Water: {{{water}}}
Features: {{{features}}}
Poisonous: {{{poisonous}}}
Hardiness: {{{hardiness}}}
USDA Zones: {{{usda_zones}}}
Sunset Zones: {{{sunset_zones}}}
Scientific classification
Domain: {{{domain}}}
Superkingdom: {{{superregnum}}}
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: {{{subregnum}}}
Superdivision: {{{superdivisio}}}
Superphylum: {{{superphylum}}}
Division: {{{divisio}}}
Phylum: {{{phylum}}}
Subdivision: {{{subdivisio}}}
Subphylum: {{{subphylum}}}
Infraphylum: {{{infraphylum}}}
Microphylum: {{{microphylum}}}
Nanophylum: {{{nanophylum}}}
Superclass: {{{superclassis}}}
Class: Liliopsida
Sublass: {{{subclassis}}}
Infraclass: {{{infraclassis}}}
Superorder: {{{superordo}}}
Order: Asparagales
Suborder: {{{subordo}}}
Infraorder: {{{infraordo}}}
Superfamily: {{{superfamilia}}}
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Supertribe: {{{supertribus}}}
Tribe: Maxillareae
Subtribe: Oncidiinae
Genus: Odontoglossum
HB. & K.
Subgenus: {{{subgenus}}}
Section: {{{sectio}}}
Series: {{{series}}}
Species: {{{species}}}
Subspecies: {{{subspecies}}}
Binomial name
Trinomial name
Type Species
See text.

Odontoglossum, first named in 1816 by Karl Sigismund Kunth, is a genus of about 100 orchids, belonging to the alliance Oncidium, subtribe Oncidiinae, tribe Maxillareae, subfamily higher Epidendroideae (formerly Vandoideae).

The type species is Odontoglossum epidendroides Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth 1816

The scientific name is derived from the Greek words odon (tooth) and glossa (tongue), referring to the two teeth-like calluses on the base of the lip.

This genus of cool to cold growing orchids is to be found on open spots in the humid cloud forest at higher elevations from Central- and West South America to Guyana, with most species around the northern Andes.

Most are sympodial epiphytes, or rarely terrestrials.

The pseudobulbs are compact with leaf-like bracts at the base. They give one to three apical leaves. An arching (and sometimes erect) inflorescence grows from its base. The ruffled sepals and petals of these spectacular flowers are spreading. The lip is rather complex, entire or with three lobes. It stands erect or parallel to the long column. The high altitude species show long inflorescences with up to 150 flowers (as in O. cirrhosum), while the lower altitude species have shorter inflorescences with up to 20 flowers. These flowers may be white, red, purple, brown, yellow, or even be blotched with a showy blend of many colors.

Many of these species are in great demand with orchid lovers because of their spectacular and flamboyant flowers.



This genus used to contain more than 400 species. many have now been reclassified in other genera such as Amparoa, Aspasia, Cochlioda, Cuitlauzina, Cyrtochilum, Gomesa, Lemboglossum, Mesoglossum, Miltonia, Miltonioides, Oliveriana, Oncidium, Osmoglossum, Otoglossum, Rhynchostele, Rossioglossum and Ticoglossum . This new genera occurred outside the Andes in different climatological habitats.

The following list gives the presently accepted names. There are six subgenera : Erectolobata, Lindleyana, Nevadensia, Odontoglossum, Serratolaminata and Unguisepala.

Natural hybrids

  • Odontoglossum × acuminatissimum Rchb.f. 1882 (O. cristatum × O. lindleyanum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × adrianae L.Linden 1879 (O. nobile × O. luteopurpureum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × andersonianum Rchb.f. 1868 (O. crispum × O. gloriosum) (Colombia to Venezuela)
  • Odontoglossum × brandtii Kraenzl. & Wittm., G 1889 (O. cirrhosum × O. nobile) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × cookianum Rolfe, 1891 (O. sanderianum × O. spectatissimum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × coradinei Rchb.f. 1872 (O. crispum × O. lindleyanum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × dicranophorum Rchb.f., 1888 (O. lindleyanum × O. spectatissimum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × elegans Rchb.f. 1879 (O. cirrhosum × O. cristatum) (Ecuador)
  • Odontoglossum × excellens Rchb.f. 1881 (O. nobile × O. spectatissimum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × godseffianum Rolfe, 1894 (O. auriculatum × O. spectatissimum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × hennisii Rolfe, 1894 (O. kegeljani × O. tenue) (Peru)
  • Odontoglossum × hinnus Rchb.f., 1870 (O. hallii × O. cirrhosum) (Ecuador)
  • Odontoglossum × kraenzlinii O'Brien, 1893 (O. naevium × O. schillerianum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × leeanum Rchb.f. 1882 (O. crocodipterum × O. schillerianum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × limbatum Rchb.f. 1870 (O. nobile × O. lindleyanum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × marriottianum Rchb.f. 1881 (O. crispum × O. hallii) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × mulus Rchb.f., 1870 (O. luteopurpureum × O. gloriosum) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × murrellianum Rchb.f. 1875 (O. naevium × O. nobile) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × schroederianum Rchb.f. 1882 (O. nobile × O. tripudians) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × stellimicans Rchb.f. 1884 (O. lindleyanum × O. tripudians) (Colombia)
  • Odontoglossum × wilckeanum Rchb.f. 1880 (O. crispum × O. luteopurpureum) (Colombia to Venezuela)

Intergeneric hybrids

Odontoglossum lends itself to the production of many artifcial intergeneric hybrids. The hybrids with red pigmentation are nearly all derived from a crossing with the genus Cochlioda and especially with Cochlioda noezliana :

xBeallara "Marfitch Howards Dream"
  • xAdaglossum : Ada x Odontoglossum
  • xAlexanderara : Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xAndreettara J.M.H.Shaw : Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xAspodonia : Aspasia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xBakerara : Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xBaldwinara : Aspasia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xBanfieldara : Ada x Brassia x Odontoglossum
  • xBarbosaara : Cochlioda x Gomesa x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xBaumannara : Comparettia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xBeallara : Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xBiltonara : Ada x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xBlackara : Aspasia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xBrassia R. Br. 1813 Cochlioda Lindl. 1853 × Miltonia Lindl. 1837 × Odontoglossum Kunth 1816
  • xBrillandeara : Aspasia x Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xBrummittara : Comparettia x Odontoglossum x Rodriguezia
  • xBurkhardtara : Leochilus x Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
  • xBurrageara : Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xCambria : Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Oncidium x Odontoglossum
  • xCampbellara : Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
  • xCarpenterara : Baptistonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xColmanara : Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xDegarmoara : Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xDerosaara : Odontoglossum x Miltonia x Aspasia x Brassia
  • xDoncollinara : Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Rodriguezia
  • xGomoglossum : Gomesa x Odontoglossum
  • xGoodaleara : Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xHamiltonara : Ada x Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum
  • xKriegerara : Ada x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xLagerara : Aspasia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum
  • xMaclellanara : Brassia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xMaunderara : Ada x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xMiltodontrum J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Miltonia Lindl. x Odontoglossum Kunth x Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl.).
  • xMorrisonara : Ada x Odontoglossum x Miltonia
  • xOdontioda  : Odontoglossum x Cochlioda
  • xOdontobrassia : Brassia x Odontoglossum
  • xOdontocentrum J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Odontoglossum Kunth x Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl.).
  • xOdontocidium : Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xOdontokoa J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Odontoglossum Kunth x Zelenkoa M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams).
  • xOdontonia : Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xOdontopilia : Odontoglossum x Trichopilia
  • xOdontorettia : Comparettia x Odontoglossum
  • xOdontozelencidium J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Odontoglossum Kunth x Oncidium Sw. x Zelenkoa M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams).
  • xRhyntonossum J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Miltonia Lindl. x Odontoglossum Kunth x Rhynchostele Rchb.f.).
  • xRichardsonara : Aspasia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xRoccaforteara : Odontoglossum x Aspasia x Brassia x Cochlioda
  • xRodriglossum : Odontoglossum x Rodriguezia
  • xRuppara : Gomesa x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xSanderara : Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum
  • xSchafferara : Aspasia x Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xSegerara : Aspasia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Oncidium x Odontoglossum
  • xShiveara : Aspasia x Brassia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xStewartara : Ada x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum
  • xVanalstyneara : Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
  • xVuylstekeara : Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
  • xWatsonara J.M.H.Shaw 2004 : (Brassia R.Br. x Odontoglossum Kunth x Oncidium Sw. x Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl.)
  • xWilsonara : Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
  • xWingfieldara : Aspasia x Brassia x Odontoglossum
  • xWithnerara : Aspasia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium

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