Mutisia subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Mutisia (named after Jos. C. Mutis, 1732-1808 or 1809, botanist of South America). Compositae. Showy- flowered shrubs, those in cultivation being tendril climbers; greenhouse or planted out. Erect or scandent, in cult. likely to be herbaceous, glabrous or tomentose: lvs. alternate, simple or pinnate, the midrib usually produced into a tendril: heads large, heterogamous, usually long and the involucre cylindrical or campanulate, solitary on the ends of branches, the few rays purple, rose-colored or yellow; ray-florets in one series, pistillate; disk-florets hermaphrodite, fertile or sterile; receptacle naked, nearly flat: achene angular, turbinate or oblong, crowned with rigid plumose pappus bristles in one series.-—Species about 60, in S. Amer., tropical and extra-tropical. The mutisias have never been popular, although long known to cult. They are plants of attractive habit and showy heads. Some of the species need warm house treatment, but the following require cooler treatment, and are probably adaptable to growing permanently out-of-doors in the southern limits of the country. Prop. by cuttings.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963