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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Morisia (G. G. Moris, 1796-1869, Italian botanist). Cruciferae. One perennial, excellent in alpine gardening, from Corsica and Sardinia, M. hypogaea, Gay. Fig. 2389. Sts. short or none, the underground part spreading horizontally and sending up many linear, pinnatisect or pinnatifid lvs. 3 in. long: fls. golden yellow, in spring and early summer, solitary but numerous and large (¾ in. diam.); sepals erect, linear-oblong and obtuse; petals spatulate: scape decurving and burying the fr., the latter ½in. or more long and ripening under ground. B.M. 7598. G. 34:323.
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