Miltonia spectabilis
Miltonia spectabilis subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Miltonia spectabilis, Lindl. Rhizome creeping, with the pseudobulbs placed about 1 in. apart, with 2 lvs. at the apex and few sheathing lvs. at the base: lvs. linear- oblong, 4-42 in. long: scapes erect, sheathed, 6-8 in. long, bearing a single fl. about 4 in. diam.; sepals and petals oblong, obtuse, slightly waved, white or cream- colored; labellum 2 in. long, very broad in front, pendent, somewhat undulate, rose-purple, with darker veins. Brazil. B.M. 4204. B.R. 1992. I.H. 6:216; 12:446 (var. cereola); 14:524 (var. rosea); 15:573 (var. virginalis). P.M. 7:97. F.C. 1:45 (Macrochilus Fryanus). R.B. 15:25. G.M. 38:642. A.F. 6:631.—The first miltonia intro. into cult. It blossoms in autumn, large plants bearing from 20-50 fls., all opening at once and lasting about a month. Var. bicolor, Hort. Fls. white, with a violet spot on the labellum. Large-fld. and vigorous. Aug. Var. Moreliana, Hort. (M. Moreliana, Hort.). This variety is very distinct in color. Sepals and petals deep purple; labellum of the same color, veined and shaded with rose. In habit the plant is like the type in every detail. B.M. 4425 (as var. purpureo-violacea, Hook.). F.S. 10:1008. I. H. 2:71. Gn. 31:374 (habit poor). F.M. 1874: 143. G.M.40:37. F.1850, p. 123 (outline). A.F. 6:633.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Miltonia spectabilis. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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