Millettia pinnata

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Millettia pinnata (Pongamia pinnata, W. F. Wight. Cytisus pinnata, Linn. P. glabra, Vent. Pongam pinnata, Wight. Galediipa Indica, Lam.). A tall erect tree or climber, with glabrous branches and lvs.: lfts. 5-7, opposite, subcoriaceous, oblong or ovate, pointed, stalked, 2-4 in. long: fls. in a simple peduncled axillary raceme, nearly as long as the lvs.; pedicels 2-4 joined together, 1/4-1/3in. long, with a pair of minute bractlets in the middle; corolla 1/2in. long, standard silky on. the back: pod woody, glabrous, 1/8-1/4in. thick, 1 1/2 in. long, with a short decurved point. Intro, into U. S. in 1910.—Suitable as an ornamental in the southern states. The ash of the wood is used for dyeing. The seed yields a thick red- brown oil used for illuminating and medicinal purposes. The foliage is bright and very handsome. The tree sometimes reaches a height of 40 ft. Grown in S. Calif. CH

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