Millettia japonica
Millettia japonica subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Millettia japonica, Gray. A Japanese woody climber: lvs. light green, odd-pinnate; lfts. narrowly ovate, 4-6 pairs, 1 ½ in. long, 1 in. apart: racemes simple, nodding, 5-8 in. long. Probably not hardy in the N. Has been offered by dealers in Japanese plants. S.Z. 1: 43 (Wistaria japonica).—At the Arnold Arboretum (Boston) it kills to ground but comes up in spring, not blooming; on Long Island, it blooms and even fruits.
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Wisteria japonica, Sieb. & Zucc. (Millettia japonica, Gray. Phaseolodes japonicum, Kuntze. Kraunhia japonica, Taub.). Glabrous throughout: lfts. 4-6 pairs, petiolulate, narrow-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate but obtuse at point, entire, light green: fls. small, white, in long drooping simple racemes to 8 in. long; calyx cylindrical urn-shaped or cup-shaped, pubescent; standard obovate, lacking the callosities at base; ovary and style glabrous: pod linear-oblong, mucronate at apex, woody, not large. Japan, Korea.—Little known in this country, and not hardy in the northern parts. By some authors this species is kept in the genus Millettia, where it was placed by Asa Gray; and under that name it is described in Vol. IV, page 2051.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Millettia japonica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
- Millettia japonica QR Code (Size 50, 100, 200, 500)