Mazus subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Mazus (from the teats or tubercles in the mouth of the corolla). Scrophulariaceae. A half-dozen low annuals or perennials, seldom grown in rock-gardens and similar places in mild climates. Allied to Mimulus, from which it differs in usually having the fls. in subsecund racemes rather than axillary or ordinarily racemed, trailing habit and technical floral characters: lvs. opposite or rosulate, or alternate above, variously toothed or cut: fls. small, bluish or white; corolla-tube short, the upper lip erect and 2-lobed, the throat with 2 projecting protuberances; stamens 4, didynamous; style slender, with 2-lamellate stigma.—Mostly prostrate, creeping or runner-bearing herbs in India, Malay Archipelago, China, Austral., New Zeal. M, pumilio, R. Br. Small perennial, creeping underground and sending up short close-leafy branches: lvs. tufted, obovate-spatulate, obtuse, entire or somewhat sinuate-toothed: peduncles 1-6 fls., usually exceeding lvs., the fls. bluish or white with yellow center. Austral., New Zeal. Listed as an "alpine."—M. radicans, Cheesem. (Mimulus radicans, Hook. f.). Very low, the erect leafy branches rising 1-3 in. from creeping or subterranean sts.: lvs. close, 2 in. or less long, obovate to linear-obovate, obtuse, entire or obscurely sinuate: fls. 1-3 on terminal peduncles, ½−¾ in. long, white with yellow center, the tube much exceeding the calyx. New Zeal.—M. riptans, N.E. Br. Tufted perennial, 1-2 in. high, the sts. slender, prostrate and rooting at the nodes: lvs. opposite, lanceolate to elliptic, few-toothed: racemes 2-5-fld., erect; fls. purplish blue with lower lip blotched white, yellow and red-purple: plant somewhat resembling some of the small lobelias. Himalaya. B. M. 8554. G.C. III. 53:210 (as M. rugosus).—M, rugosus. Lour. Annual, without runners: radical lvs. obovate-spatulate, crenate-dentate: peduncles many from the root, 2-10 in. long; fls. blue. India.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963