Lysionotus subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Lysionotus (name refers to the opening of the caps, at the back). Gesneriaceae. Six to 10 small shrubs, India to China and Japan, grown sometimes under glass for the blue or white fls., but apparently not in the trade. Some or all are epiphytic; glabrous: lvs. opposite or in 3s: fls. in few- to many-fld. inconspicuously bracted cymes; sepals narrow; corolla tubular and straight, inflated at middle, 2-lipped; stamens 2 perfect and 2 or 3 staminodia; the filaments flattened; disk ring- like: caps, very narrow, 2- valved. L. serrata, Don (L. ternifolia, Wall.), is about 1 ft. high: lvs. elliptic or lanceolate, serrate or sinuate: fls. pale lavender or white and purple-veined, an inch or two long, about 10 or less in peduncled clusters. Subtrop. Himalayan region, 2,000- 7,000 ft. B.M. 6538. L. carnosa, Hemsl. Dwarf shrub with straight rigid branches: lvs. in 3s, short-stalked, thick and fleshy, ovate, few-toothed: fls. 1 ½ in- long white tinged lilac, in pairs in the upper axils. China. L. warleyensis. Hort. Little shrub, 9 in. high: lvs. opposite or in, 3s,oblong to lanceolate, few-toothed, fleshy, white beneath, the petiole crimson: fls. white with 3 purple lines, 2 in. long. China.—A beautiful plant, of very recent intro. L. carnosa, Hemsl., is a dwarf shrub from China, glabrous, with straight and rigid green branches: lvs. in 3s, short-stalked, fleshy, ovate, to 2 in. long, dentate: fls. 1 ¼ in. long, white tinged lilac, in pairs in the upper axils.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Lysionotus. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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