Lupinus nanus

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 Lupinus nanus subsp. var.  Sky Lupine, Field Lupine, Dwarf Lupin, Douglas' Annual Lupine
Habit: herbaceous
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Fabaceae > Lupinus nanus var. ,

Lupinus nanus ("Sky Lupine", "Field Lupine", "Dwarf Lupin" or "Douglas' Annual Lupine"), is a species of lupine native to the western United States. It grows naturally in chaparral clearings and along slopes in California, Nevada, and on Steens Mountain in eastern Oregon.

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Lupinus nanus, Douglas. St. slender, ½ -l ft., often branching from the base, hairy: lfts. 5-7, linear to oblanceolate, pointed, pubescent both sides, stalks 1-3 times longer: fls. in elongated, loose racemes, verticillate on slender stalks, large, white, pointed with clear blue, edged with deeper blue; wings bluish, hiding white brownish keel: pod hairy. June, July. Calif. —This species and its varieties are very floriferous, giving a fine effect in masses and in the border. Var. albus Hort., white tinged with lilac. Var. albo- coccineus, Hort. A very compact variety, the lower half of the spike rosy red, the upper white; forms compact tufts and is called a superior variety.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



Pests and diseases


There are three accepted subspecies of Lupinus nanus [1]:

  • Lupinus nanus subsp. latifolius (Benth. ex Torr.) D.Dunn
  • Lupinus nanus subsp. menkerae (C.P.Sm.) D.Dunn (commonly called Menker's lupine)
  • Lupinus nanus subsp. nanus


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