Lonicera tatarica
Lonicera tatarica subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Lonicera tatarica, Linn. Fig. 2200. Shrub, to 10 ft., almost glabrous: Lvs.cordate or rounded at the base, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, ciliate, sometimes slightly pubescent beneath when young, 1-2 ½ in. long: fls. slender peduncled, pink, crimson or white, the upper lip deeply divided, spreading, with the outer lobes free to the base: bractlets distinct, small, glabrous: fr. red, rarely yellow. May, June; fr. in July, Aug. S. E. Russia to Siberia. B.R. 31. R.H. 1868:392. Gt. 18:627. B.B. (ed. 2) 3:282.—Variable in size and shade of fls. Var. alba, Loisel. Fls. white. Var. grandiflora, Rehd. (var. alba grandiflbra, Dipp.). Fls. larger, white. Var. sibirica, Pers. (var. rubriflbra, DC. var. rubra, Sweet. L. punicea, Sims. var. purpurea, Hort.). Fls. bright red. B.M. 2469. Var. latifolia, Loud. (var. grandiflora rubra, Pepin. var. splendens, Regel). Lvs.large, to 4 in. long: fls. pink, the lobes bordered light pink. R.H. 1844: 109. Gt. 18:627, fig. 1. Var. punicea, Lindl. (var. speciosa, Carr.; var. pulcherrima, Regel). Similar to the preceding form, but fls. deep pink. R.H. 1868: 392, fig. 1. Gt. 18:627, fig. 5. Var. angustifo1ia, Kirchn. (L. angustata, Wender.). Lvs.narrow-lanceolate: fls. bright pink. Var. lutea, Loud. (var. xanthocarpa, Endl.). Frs. yellow. Var. nana, Alphand. Low, dense shrub: lvs.ovate-lanceolate, narrowed at base: fls. small, pinkish. Var parvifolia, Jaeger (var. gracilis, Carr. L. parvifolia, Hayne, not Edgew.). Lvs.smaller, obtuse: fls. pure white, small, with broad and short lobes: fr. orange-red. Var. micrantha, Trautv. (var. puberula, Regel & Trautv. L. micrantha, Regel). Branchlets, peduncles, bracts and corolla puberulous: lvs.pubescent beneath. Not in cult.: the plant cult, under this name is usually the preceding variety or L. xylosteoides. Var. pallens, Rehd. Lvs.smaller and narrower, bluish green: fls. small, finally almost white.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Lonicera tatarica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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