Loasa subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Loasa (South American name). Loasaceae. Comprises a few flower-garden annuals of minor value. Annuals and perennials, herbs or subshrubs, of Trop. Amer., erect or twining: lvs. alternate or opposite, entire, lobed or decompound: caps. 3-5-valved from the apex, rarely twisted; ovary 1-celled; ovules numerous. The allied genus Blumenbachia differs in having caps, longitudinally 5-10-valved and most frequently spirally twisted.—Species 80-100. These plants are too much like nettles to deserve general cult., although their fls. are odd and interesting. The pain from their pricks may last several days. Each of the 5-hooded petals contains a bunch of stamens. They are treated as half-hardy annuals. L. laleritia. Hook. (L. auratiaca, Hort.), a climbing vine, is Blumenbachia lateritia (Cajophora lateritia, Klotzsch), which see under Blumenbachia. It is a hispid stinging twiner, with opposite pinnate lvs.: fls. bright orange-red, or brick-red: little grown, but adapted to indoor work and to the open in summer: prop, readily by seeds or cut- tings. It is in the American trade as an annual climbing plant: 6-20 ft.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963