Linum grandiflorum

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 Linum grandiflorum subsp. var.  
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[[]] > Linum grandiflorum var. ,

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Linum grandiflorum, Desf. Flowering Flax. Fig. 2180. Erect, branchy, 1-2 ft., glabrous: lvs. many, alternate, broadly lanceolate to oblong, sessile or nearly so: fls. terminating very slender pedicels which are 1-3 in. long, the obovate petals wide-spreading (fl. 1-1 ½ in. across, and something like a single-fld. pink) and much exceeding the pointed scarious-edged sepals. N. Afr. B.M. 4956. R.H. 1848:401.—Very serviceable garden annual, and popular for its glossy bright fls. The color varies in the shades of red. Var. rubrum has bright red fls. Var. kermesinum is crimson. Var. coccineum, Hort., is a scarlet-fld. form.—In a warm, sunny place, the flowering flax makes a very satisfactory plant of long period of bloom. It is not adapted to cutting, since the fls. are not durable. Will not stand frost.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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