Levisticum officinale

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Levisticum officinale, Koch (Hipposelinum Levisticum, Linn.). Lovage. Tall: leaves dark green, shining; segms. wedge-shaped at the base, cut toward the apex: fruits 3-ribbed, hollow and boat-shaped or else flattish on one side, convex on the other. S. Eu., sometimes escaped in N. Amer.—The leaf stalks were formerly blanched and eaten like celery. It is a tall, hardy perennial herb, with large, 2-3 times divided radical leaves The plant may be propogated by seed sown as soon as ripe, but when plants are already established root-division is less troublesome and risky. Division may be made in the autumn, but better in the spring. The divided plants and the seedlings, when 2 or 3 in. tall, should be set in checks 3 ft. apart in deep, rich soil. When well established the plants remain profitable for many years, demanding but little attention. CH

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