Laburnum alpinum

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Laburnum alpinum
 Alpine Laburnum, Scottish Laburnum
Laburnum alpinum JPG1A.jpg
Habit: tree
Height: 12m (rarely to 15m)
Lifespan: 30-100 years
Origin: S Europe
Poisonous: All parts poisonous; seeds particularly dangerous
Exposure: full sun
Features: pendulous yellow flower racemes
Bloom: mid-late spring
USDA Zones: 5-7 (to 10 with cool summers)
Sunset Zones:
[[{{{domain}}}]] > [[{{{superregnum}}}]] > Plantae > [[{{{subregnum}}}]] > [[{{{superdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{superphylum}}}]] > Magnoliophyta > [[{{{phylum}}}]] > [[{{{subdivisio}}}]] > [[{{{subphylum}}}]] > [[{{{infraphylum}}}]] > [[{{{microphylum}}}]] > [[{{{nanophylum}}}]] > [[{{{superclassis}}}]] > Magnoliopsida > [[{{{subclassis}}}]] > [[{{{infraclassis}}}]] > [[{{{superordo}}}]] > Fabales > [[{{{subordo}}}]] > [[{{{infraordo}}}]] > [[{{{superfamilia}}}]] > Fabaceae > [[{{{subfamilia}}}]] > [[{{{supertribus}}}]] > [[{{{tribus}}}]] > [[{{{subtribus}}}]] > Laburnum {{{subgenus}}} {{{sectio}}} {{{series}}} alpinum {{{subspecies}}} var. {{{cultivar}}}

Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Laburnum alpinum (Mill.) J.Presl (syn. Cytisus alpinus Mill.). Alpine Laburnum. Shrub or tree, to 12m, similar to Laburnum anagyroides, but branchlets glabrous or hirsute when young, lfts. usually elliptic, acute, light green and glabrous beneath or sparingly hirsute, ciliate, 2.5-5 cm long: racemes longer and slender, glabrous or sparingly hirsute; fls. smaller, Late May to June; pod thin, with the upper suture winged, glabrous; seed brown. Mountains, S. Europe. B.M. 176 (as Cytisus Laburnum). Cultivar 'Pendulum' Koch has pendulous branches. This species flowers about 2 weeks later than L. anagyroides, and has much longer and more slender racemes; it also is of more upright and stiffer growth and hardier.

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