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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Ione (one of the nereids). Orchidaceae. About a half-dozen pseudobulbous orchids of E. India, by some united with Bulbophyllum: lateral sepals usually connate and under the lip, the latter rather large, straight and rigid; pollinia 4, attached in pairs to 2 glands. I. paleacea, Lindl. (Bulbophyllum palcateum, Benth.), has drooping fls. about 1 in. long, many in erect spikes; sepals greenish with pink nerves; petals spreading, broadly oblong and 1-3-nerved; lip ovate- lanceolate: scape exceeding the lf., about 9 in. India. B.M. 6344. I. siamensis, Rolfe. Pseudobulbs 1-lvd., 4-angled-ovoid: lvs. narrow-oblong, about 3 in. long: scapes nearly erect, slender, about 6 in. long, bearing a raceme about 2 ½ in. long that has 9-10 fls., which are about l/3 in. long, pale green with dull purple on lateral sepals and lip and with purple dots near margin of outer segms. Siam. Recent. I. grandiflora, Rolfe. Pseudo- bulbs 1-lvd., ovoid: lvs. oblong, 2 in. or less long: scapes erect, 1-fld.; fl. dull lurid purple; sepals and petals oblong, acute; lip cordate-ovate, hirsute above, keeled beneath. Burma. Recent. L. H. B.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963