Impatiens balsamina

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 Impatiens balsamina subsp. var.  
Impatiens balsamina1.jpg
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Balsaminaceae > Impatiens balsamina var. ,

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Impatiens balsamina, Linn. Garden Balsam. Annual, erect and branching, pubescent or nearly glabrous: lvs. either narrowly or broadly lanceolate and acuminate, deeply serrate, the petiole glandular: fls. large, rose-colored; standard orbicular and retuse; wings or side petals very broad, with the lateral lobe rounded and the terminal sessile and large; lip small and cone-like; spur variable, incurved: caps, large, tomentose. Trop. and Subtrop. India, Malaya, China.—Very variable in its wide range. Hooker recognizes 6 wild botanical varieties: Var. vulgaris, Hook. f. (Balsdmina hortensis, DC.). Tall: lvs. broadly lanceolate: fls. large, with short spur. Var. coccinea, Hook. f. (Balsamina coccinea, DC.). Lvs. narrow-lanceolate: fls. of medium size, the spur long and slender. B.M. 1256. Var. arcuata, Hook. f. Diffusely branched: lvs. small and narrow: fls. small, the spur long, slender and arcuate. Var. macrantha, Hook. f. four inches high:small, lvs. ovate-lanceolate: fls. large, with short spur. Var. micrantha, Hook. f. Small, simple: lvs. small, ovate- lanceolate: fls. small, with long and slender spur. Var. rosea, Hook. f. (I. rosea, Lindl.). Tall: lvs. linear- lanceolate: fls. rather small, with lip saccate and spur short and incurved.—I. balsamina now runs into many forms, through long cult, and breeding. See Balsam.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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