Impatiens balsamina
Impatiens balsamina subsp. var. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Describe the plant here...
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Impatiens balsamina, Linn. Garden Balsam. Annual, erect and branching, pubescent or nearly glabrous: lvs. either narrowly or broadly lanceolate and acuminate, deeply serrate, the petiole glandular: fls. large, rose-colored; standard orbicular and retuse; wings or side petals very broad, with the lateral lobe rounded and the terminal sessile and large; lip small and cone-like; spur variable, incurved: caps, large, tomentose. Trop. and Subtrop. India, Malaya, China.—Very variable in its wide range. Hooker recognizes 6 wild botanical varieties: Var. vulgaris, Hook. f. (Balsdmina hortensis, DC.). Tall: lvs. broadly lanceolate: fls. large, with short spur. Var. coccinea, Hook. f. (Balsamina coccinea, DC.). Lvs. narrow-lanceolate: fls. of medium size, the spur long and slender. B.M. 1256. Var. arcuata, Hook. f. Diffusely branched: lvs. small and narrow: fls. small, the spur long, slender and arcuate. Var. macrantha, Hook. f. four inches high:small, lvs. ovate-lanceolate: fls. large, with short spur. Var. micrantha, Hook. f. Small, simple: lvs. small, ovate- lanceolate: fls. small, with long and slender spur. Var. rosea, Hook. f. (I. rosea, Lindl.). Tall: lvs. linear- lanceolate: fls. rather small, with lip saccate and spur short and incurved.—I. balsamina now runs into many forms, through long cult, and breeding. See Balsam.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Impatiens balsamina. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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