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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Hillia (Sir John Hill, 1716-1775, British botanist). Rubiaceae. Shrubs of Trop. Amer., sometimes epiphytic, 2 of which are rarely grown as greenhouse or warmhouse evergreen subjects. Smooth, branches often rooting: lvs. opposite, simple, more or less fleshy: fls. large and rather showy, terminal and solitary, white and fragrant; corolla salverform, the tube long; stamens 4-7, inserted at the throat of the corolla: fr. a follicle.— Species about 10, W. Indies to S. Amer. H. tetrandra, Swartz. Plant 3-4 ft., the root bearing tubers: lvs. obovate to lanceolate, cuneate at base and rounded at top: lobes of corolla 4, roundish-oboyate, not more than one-third length of tube. Mountains of Jamaica, Cuba; June in cult. B.M. 7355. H. longiflora, Swartz, has elliptical pointed lvs., and 6-7 lanceolate bluntish reflexed corolla-lobes. W. Indies; apparently not now in the trade. L.H.B.
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963