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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Halimodendron (Greek, maritime tree; referring to its habitat in saline soils). Leguminosae. Ornamental shrub grown for its handsome profusely produced flowers.

Deciduous: lvs. slender-stalked, with 1 or 2 pairs of lfts. and with the persistent petiole becoming usually spinescent: fls. in lateral slender-stalked, 2-3-fld. racemes; calyx cup-shaped with 5 short teeth; corolla papilionaceous; petals of nearly equal length; standard orbicular with the sides reflexed; keel obtuse, curved; stamens diadelphous; ovary stipitate with many ovules, style filiform, curved: pod stipitate, ellipsoid or obpvoid, inflated, tardily dehiscent, with few kidney-shaped glossy brown seeds. — One species in the salt steppes of Cent. Asia from Transcaucasia to the Altai.

This is a wide-spreading shrub with slender branches and small bluish green foliage, covered in early summer with numerous pale violet or rosy purple flowers. The small pale foliage and the slender-stalked drooping flowers combined with the spreading habit give to the plant a gracefulness and airiness of its own and make it a very desirable ornamental shrub. It is perfectly hardy North, resists drought and heat well and thrives in sandy as also in saline and alkaline soils. Propagation is by seeds and by layers which root slowly; it also may be grafted on laburnum or caragana.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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