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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Govenia (J. R. Gowen, English gardener). Orchidaceae. Terrestrial orchids of Trop. Amer., seldom cult., of perhaps a dozen species: rhizomes thickened into tuber-like enlargements or pseudobulbs, the sts. erect and few-lvd.: lvs. large, narrowed at base: fls. in simple racemes, medium in size, short-pedicelled, mostly white, cream-colored or yellow and more or less red- spotted; sepals and petals of about equal length, the former connivent; lip very short, without spur, jointed to column; pollinia 4, broadly ovate. G. tingens, Poepp. & Endl. Height 2-3 ft.: lf.-blade elliptic, about 8 in. long: fls. yellowish, with transverse purple lines, much larger than those of G. superba; seems, lanceolate to oblong. Peru. G. superba, Lindl. Two ft.: fls. fragrant, yellow with red markings, sepals and petals acute: spike loose, erect. Mex. L.B.C. 18:1709. G. sulphured, Reichb. f. An odd species with onion- like pseudobulbs: lf.-blade cuneate-lanceolate and acuminate: fls. rather large; sepals sulfur-yellow; petals white with yellowish margin and purple lines; lip cordate-oblong, white with dark brown at apex. CH
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- Govenia acreana 2000
- Govenia alba A. Rich. & Galeotti 1845
- Govenia barbata Poepp. & Endl. 1837-1838
- Govenia bella E.W. Greenw. 1987 (Oaxaca, Mexico)
- Govenia ciliilabia Ames & C. Schweinf. 1930 (Costa Rica; El Salvador; Panama)
- Govenia dressleriana E.W. Greenw. 1993 (El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico)
- Govenia elliptica S. Watson 1891 (Mexico)
- Govenia fasciata Lindl. 1843
- Govenia floridana P.M. Br. 2000
- Govenia greenwoodii Dressler & Soto Arenas 2003 (Honduras)
- Govenia jouyana R. González 1983
- Govenia lagenophora Lindl. 1839 (El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico)
- Govenia latifolia (Kunth) Garay & G.A.Romero 1999
- Govenia liliaceae (Lex.) Lindl. 1835 (Mexico; Central America)
- Govenia liliacea var. purpusii (Schltr.) L.O. Williams 1939 (Mexico)
- Govenia malcox Salazar & E.W. Greenw.
- Govenia matudae E.W.Greenw. & Soto Arenas 2002
- Govenia praecox Salazar & E.W. Greenw. 1993 (Veracruz, Mexico)
- Govenia purpusii Schltr. 1918
- Govenia quadriplicata Rchb. f. 1866
- Govenia sodiroi Schltr. 1921 (Ecuador)
- Govenia superba (La Llave & Lex.) Lindl. ex Lodd. 1831 : type species (El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico)
- Govenia superba var. elliptica (S. Watson) Correll 1891
- Govenia superba var. superba
- Govenia tequilana Dressler & Hágsater 1973 (Mexico)
- Govenia tingens Poepp. & Endl. 1837-1838 (Ecuador; Peru)
- Govenia utriculata (Sw.) Lindl. 1839 (Bolivia; Ecuador; Argentina)
- Govenia utriculata var. lagenophora (Lindl.) Griseb.
- Govenia utriculata var. utriculata
- Govenia viaria Dressler 2002
- Govenia vilcabambana Dodson 1994 (Ecuador)
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963