Glandularia laciniata

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Verbena erinoides, Lam. (V. multifida, Ruiz & Pav. V. pulchella, Hort., in part). Moss Verbena. Annual or perennial: st. strigose hairy or somewhat hirsute, branching, decumbent, rooting; branches ascending: lvs. ovate in outline, cuneate base decurrent into the petiole, deeply 3-parted and the divisions pinnatifid into narrow linear acute lobes, subrevolute on margins, strigose especially on nerves: spikes terminal, solitary, pedunculate, soon elongating and relaxing, canescent hairy: bracts lanceolate, acuminate, spreading, one-half as long to as long or longer than the calyx: corolla rather small, shortly exserted, lilac, bearded within; anther appendages exserted, rather short.—Said by Dr. Gillies to be "one of the commonest plants on the Alps of Chile and Mendoza . . . varying extremely in color of flowers, in stature and in degree in which the leaves are cut." In some individuals the fls. are said to be scarlet, in others blue or purple. Forms assignable to this species occur also in the southern states of Brazil. The species is probably a composite one as now recognized. B.R. 1766 (as V. multifida var. contracta).— Variable species characterized by distinct finely cut foliage and rosy lilac to deep purple fls., but the clusters and individual fls. are too small to make it popular.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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