Exochorda giraldii

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Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

Exochorda Giraldii, Hesse (E. racemosa var. Giraldii, Rehd.). Similar to the preceding: Lvs. oval or elliptic, entire, very rarely crenate-serrate; petiole about 1 in. long, usually red: fls. very short-stalked or nearly sessile; petals obovate, gradually narrowed into the claw, sometimes toothed; stamens 25-30. N.W.China. M.D.G. 1909:295. G.W. 16, p. 450. Var. Wilsonii, Rehd. (E. racemosa var. Wilsonii, Rehd.). Lvs. elliptic to oblong, occasionally serrate petioles ½-¾ in. long, usually green: stamens 20-25. Cent. China.

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  1. REDIRECT Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii
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