Evonymus japonica
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Evonymus japonica, Linn. Upright shrub, to 8 ft., with smooth and slightly quadrangular or striped branches: Lvs. obovate to narrow-elliptic, cuneate at the base, acute or obtuse, obtusely serrate, shining above, 1½-2½ in. long: fls. greenish white, 4-merous, in slender-peduncled, 5- to many-fld. cymes: caps, depressed, globose, smooth, pink. June, July.; fr. Oct. S. Japan. .I.F. 2:39. B.R. 30:6.—A very variable species. Var. macrophylla, Sieb. (var. robusta, Hort.). Lvs. oval, large, 2J^-3 in. long. Var. microphylla, Sieb. (E. pulchella, Hort. Eurya microphylla, Hort.). Lvs. small, narrow-oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Var. columnaris, Carr. (var. pyramidalis, Hort.). Of upright, columnar habit: lvs. broadly oval. There are many varieties with variegated Lvs.; some of the best are the following: Var. argenteo-variegata, Regel. Lvs. edged and marked white. Var. aureo-variegata, Regel. Lvs. blotched yellow. Lowe, 49. Var. albo-marginata, Hort. Lvs. with white, rather narrow margins. Var. medio- picta, Hort. Lvs. with a yellow blotch in the middle. Var. pallens, Carr. (var. flavescens, Hort.). Lvs. pale yellow when young; similar is var. aurea, Hort.. but the yellow is brighter and changes more quickly to green. Var. viridi-variegata, Hort. (var. Duc d' Anjou, Hort.). Lvs. large, bright green, variegated with yellow and green in the middle. Var. aureo-marginata, Hort. Lvs. edged yellow. F.E. 16:436; 29:815. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
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- w:Evonymus japonica. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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