Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture |
Eustoma (good mouth, alluding to the corolla). Gentianaceae. Two or 3 N. Americanlarge-fld. glaucous opposite-lvd. small herbs: fls. more or less paniculate, single on the peduncles, 5-merous or rarely 6-merous; calyx with narrow keeled lobes; corolla nearly campanulate, white, blue or purple, the lobes oblong or obovate, usually erose; stamens attached on the corolla-throat; ovary 1-celled; stigmas 2: caps, oval or oblong, many- seeded. E. selenifolium, Salisb. (E. exaltatum, Griseb.). Annual, but in S. Calif. said to be perennial, 9-15 in. erect: Lvs. oblong, glaucous-green: fls. light blue or purple, the corolla-lobes about or nearly 1 in. long, twice exceeding the tube. Fla. to Calif. Offered in Calif. CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963